Schlichter: All This ‘True Conservative’ Talk About ‘Principles’ Is Just Another Lie – IOTW Report

Schlichter: All This ‘True Conservative’ Talk About ‘Principles’ Is Just Another Lie

Kurt Schlichter:

After two years of lectures about “principles” and “the Rule of law” by the establishment-loving hacks furious that normal Americans rejected them and elected Donald Trump, their performance last week demonstrated that their high-minded dedication to conservatism is all a fraud. It’s not about “principles” or “the Rule of Law.” It’s only about holding on to power – theirs.

Let’s take the latest in a seemingly endless series of #fails from that smarmy dope Paul Ryan, King of the Fredocons. First, he rushed to help out the liberals with their ridiculous narrative about how Donald Trump is a “Nazi” (Wait, I thought the narrative memo had him being a Russian fifth columnist – damn, our president sure is versatile!). You couldn’t keep Ryan from eagerly jumping in with his usual more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger-about-Trump thing to help the left push its latest meme. Antifa though? Not so fast! Ryan, the poodle that he is, obediently waited until Nancy Pelosi led the way and offered some tepid words about these commie blackshirts and their thirst for blood before Brave Sir Ryan ran out and offered some tepid words about these commie blackshirts and their thirst for blood.

Paul Ryan is a guy who can’t even take his own side in a fight – or, more to the point, our side in a fight.       Now, a quick quiz: When Donald Trump proposed to keep his promise to the Republican voters who elected him and end the unconstitutional DACA program that the Obama administration enacted to ignore duly-enacted immigration laws, what did Passive Paul do?  more here

18 Comments on Schlichter: All This ‘True Conservative’ Talk About ‘Principles’ Is Just Another Lie

  1. Kurt Schlichter gathered a compilation of the comments made here at IOTW reports and put it in an article at Townhall.
    Good on him.
    Principles and Rule of Law are only obstructions to be avoided and don’t apply to the moneyed elite in the House and Senate.

  2. Why would anyone think Soros would be content with only buying one wing of the uniparty? The demorats operating as republicans are in the same pocket as their less hypocritical allies.

  3. To what will the Left “up” their spitball attacks after calling us all “Nazis”? Time for words is OVER. And “ripping off” the GOPe’s “masks” will accomplish NOTHING. It’s been obvious to all for awhile…that’s how Trump got elected.

  4. spit take on this one: “demonstrated that their high-minded dedication to conservatism”

    By now it should be obvious to even the densest amongst us that POLITICIANS ARE ALL CREEPS TO THE CORE AND THEIR DEFAULT ACTIVITY IS SELF-ENRICHMENT.

    True statesmen are as rare as scientific geniuses the likes of Einstein. No matter how slick the BS, never forget that these elected rats are POLITICIANS. Joe Biden is the archetype worst, but the rest resemble him in a matter of degrees.
    Joe Wilson called out obama as a LIAR. So give him credit for 2 seconds of good work. ALL THE REST are still sitting in their soiled drawers.

  5. @cato September 5, 2017 at 8:45 am

    > Principles and Rule of Law are only obstructions to be avoided and don’t apply to the moneyed elite in the House and Senate.

    That’s both unfair and untrue. Even the lowliest Regime street thug is immune to Principles and Rule of Law. At least when showing hoi polloi their place. Deference to one’s Professional Betters is, of course, both a Principle and the Law.

  6. @moochoman September 5, 2017 at 9:57 am

    > Vote the bums out

    Vote FOR the nomenklatura approved for the ballot by the current regime? Why didn’t I think of that? Count me in! This is gonna’ change THE WORLD!

  7. “American” Government is a lap dog of Big 6 Media, Big Tech, K Street and Wall Street – Republican and Democrat both. Trump is not in a swamp, he has established a beachhead in enemy territory.

  8. @Anonymous

    The difference between the street thugs and the political elite ignoring Principles and Rule of Laws, is the street thug will be indicted, prosecuted and found guilty, while the political elite are free to enrich themselves through the corrupt “good ol’ boy” system.

  9. @cato September 5, 2017 at 12:47 pm

    > The difference between the street thugs and the political elite ignoring Principles and Rule of Laws, is the street thug will be indicted, prosecuted and found guilty

    Perhaps. But that’s not who I wrote about. And “the lowliest Regime street thug” (a direct quote) is, in fact, immune to consequence.

  10. @cato September 5, 2017 at 12:47 pm

    > while the political elite are free to enrich themselves through the corrupt “good ol’ boy” system

    And the Regime street thugs will continue collecting pay, pension benefits, and, eventually, promotions for Loyal and Meritorious service. All on other people’s monies.

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