School Allowed Students To Wear Hats of Choice, But Not MAGA Hats – IOTW Report

School Allowed Students To Wear Hats of Choice, But Not MAGA Hats

21 Comments on School Allowed Students To Wear Hats of Choice, But Not MAGA Hats

  1. I bet they would allow an 0bama hat or Bernie Beanie (if there were one).
    A parent should test this out. If they allow it, file a suit against the district for discrimination. I bet they also don’t allow “Right to Life” hats.
    Stop allowing your children to be brainwashed into sheep.

  2. The only way someone would be offended by the statement “go back to your country” is if that person believed their country was indeed a shithole. Meanwhile it’s somehow not offensive to native Americans for shithole foreigners to spread their shithole culture in this country under the guise of heritage and diversity while trampling and burning the American flag.

  3. Teachers have , generally, hated America for 70 years. In ’59 + ’60 I spent some hrs. in Detention for defending the racist Ike and his “nationalist” “Operation Wetbac”!

    Nothing new!

  4. I’d like to see some verification of that claimed “go back to your country” bullying from MAGA hat wearers, and a lawsuit for defamation against the school for implying those wearing them are somehow bullies and racists if there isn’t any valid verification of it. No matter what, these kids now have a tarnished future and it they didn’t earn it by their own actions they need to seek recompense for it.

    Remember that Covington High School kid, Nick Sandmann, and how he pursued the implied slander against him.

  5. Political Correctness, Indoctrination, the Liberal Agenda and hoax excuses (“Bullying”) on display for all to see…
    Over and over and over again like a broken record!
    Liberal adults acting like a bunch of 12 year old little girls!!
    Keep voting democRAT if you want to see this continue.

  6. So they put on the Trump/MAGA hats and that made them seek out Latinos and bully them. Give me a break. And then what they took the hats off and everything went back to utopia?! I sense a few TEACHERS had the real problem.

  7. Jarhead…I don’t know where you went to school but I’m just a couple years younger than you and I never saw or heard any political controversy from K thru 12. We were just too busy living our lives and “ducking and covering” drills to protect us from nuclear bombs.

  8. ANON

    Cal.. And calling Ike was not controversial – to anyone but me! I mad the controversy by saying Ike was not racist!
    Many of my friends thought I was a jerk to defend Ike. But I did what I thought, and still think, was right!


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