School calls police after student makes Lego gun – IOTW Report

School calls police after student makes Lego gun

If you thought biting a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun was bad, a kid in Connecticut did something heinous with Legos.

No, he didn’t point a gun-shaped Pop Tart at his classmates and force them to walk barefoot on them. He simply pointed a gun-shaped Lego creation at them. It’s lucky it didn’t go off and kill someone.

The school reacted as if the kid wrote a rap song and threatened to shoot up the school for Christmas.

This is exactly what I wrote about for American Thinker.

How can parody compete with the left’s reality?

The school issued a statement after the kid built the deadly art piece.


“Appropriate steps were taken at the school level to insure the safety of all students and to impress upon the students the seriousness of engaging in positive peer interactions while avoiding conduct that may pose risk or concern to others. All children need to feel safe and secure within the learning environment and we all have a role to play to make that happen,” the statement continued.


ht/ zilla

19 Comments on School calls police after student makes Lego gun

  1. The Houston coppers arrested an autistic kid for wheeling an imaginary rifle in class. Took the 12 year old out in handcuffs. Imaginary rifles are even legal in California.

  2. These people make the case for the theory of evolution being a load of crap. Instead of getting smarter/better, even with all the information available at our fingertips – they just prove that people are not evolving, but getting more and more stupid.

  3. I *had* to click this to see if it were Maryland again.

    This part; “avoiding conduct that may pose risk or concern to others. kills me. You would not believe the shit I have to put up with every day. I think admins in middle schools suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.

  4. That’s it – time to institute background checks for anyone who wants to buy Legos. Yeah, most of the time Legos are used responsibly, but this young student has demonstrated that Legos can be used for evil. All I can say is thank God the police were called in to verify that those brightly colored blocks hooked together were not sufficient to actually shoot someone.

  5. “Appropriate steps were taken at the school level to insure the safety of all students…”

    The word you are looking for in that sentence is ensure – not insure… hayseed.
    …and from a school administrator no less. 🙁

  6. The fact that police actually respond to this kind of crap instead of telling the school to get real and stop wasting their time is depressing. They wouldn’t do anything about a nutcase like Cruz but they’ll respond to a Lego gun. Cripes.

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