School district wins standoff with USDA after dropping Obamalunch – IOTW Report

School district wins standoff with USDA after dropping Obamalunch

EAG: LONDONDERRY, N.H. – Federal officials have backed off threats to impose a host of regulations on a New Hampshire high school for opting out of the National School Lunch Program.

michelle obama points

Londonderry High School dropped out of the National School Lunch Program last year to avoid federal regulations championed by first lady Michelle Obama that limit calories, fat, sodium, sugar, whole grains and other aspects of school food.

School officials said the move was necessary to serve students sufficient portions and provide meals students will actually buy and eat, instead of government-mandated lunches that drove them away from the cafeteria.  more

7 Comments on School district wins standoff with USDA after dropping Obamalunch

  1. If Big Maw thinks her meals are so wonderful, she should put her mouth where her money is. Let her restrict her own family’s meals to what she has mandated for high school kids, who put out a lot more energy than she seems to.

  2. There are more bureaucrats “working” for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture than there are farmers, and I can’t think of a state that doesn’t have its own department of agriculture. Nope… no waste of tax dollars there.

  3. That reminds me of an old joke. I’ll give you the short version.

    Guy was walking down the hall at the Dept of Ag and heard the sound of sobbing. He followed the sound and found a bureaucrat in his office sitting at this desk crying his eyes out.

    “There, there, my friend. Surely things will look better in the morning.”

    “No, no, they won’t. *sob* You don’t understand. My farmer died.”

  4. I have a friend who lives in Virginia. Her youngest son is a high school senior who eats like a horse and is still as thin as a stick. She told me that one day his school lunch was a single breadstick with a packet of ketchup. How the heck can a student concentrate in an afternoon trig class after a lunch like that?

    No wonder China and India are kicking our butts.

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