Science Has Been Turned Into a Joke By the Left – IOTW Report

Science Has Been Turned Into a Joke By the Left


Example 1: Environmental activists want to limit commercial fishing. They want Congress to pass what they call the “Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act.” It claims climate change is the “greatest threat to America’s national security” and offers a dubious solution: close more of the ocean to commercial fishing.

The administration’s deputy director of Climate, Jane Lubchenco, told Congress that a scientific paper concludes that closing more of the ocean can actually increase catches of fish.

Really? That doesn’t seem logical.

It isn’t. The paper was retracted. One scientist called its logic “biologically impossible.”

Also, Lubchenco’s didn’t tell Congress that the paper was written by her brother-in-law! And edited by her!

Did the White House punish Lubchenco for her ethics violations? No. In fact, after her testimony, she was appointed co-head of President Joe Biden’s Scientific Integrity Task Force!

Last week, the National Academy of Sciences banned her for five years. Yet she’s still on the White House’s Scientific Integrity Task Force.

Sadly, much of what’s called science today is simply left-wing advocacy.

“New fields like fat studies, African studies, Latinx studies, queer studies,” says Follet, “are essentially entirely fake.”

Fake? Well, they must be. “Experts” in those fields keep being fooled by people who submit gibberish.

Example 2:

A ridiculous paper, “Embracing Fatness as Self-Care in the Era of Trump,” was accepted by Massey University’s “Fat Studies” conference. The conference then invited the paper’s author, “Sea Matheson,” to speak.

Attendees gave Matheson’s speech rave reviews, praising the paper’s description of Donald Trump’s “fatphobia” and inviting Matheson to review other work submitted to their “scientific” journal, Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society.

Who was Sea?

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24 Comments on Science Has Been Turned Into a Joke By the Left

  1. “It claims climate change is the “greatest threat to America’s national security”

    Saint a minute…I thought white nationalism was the greatest threat to national security? Which is it?

  2. “Absurdities are pushed by the right, too. Some people still claim that man plays no part in climate change or that the climate isn’t warming at all. Some say vaccines don’t work.”

    A quote from the link…

  3. “Also, Lubchenco’s didn’t tell Congress that the paper was written by her brother-in-law! And edited by her!”

    That’s not science. It’s propaganda. Science says if we cared about this bull shit we would have cut India ad China out of our markets because they are mass polluters. These idiots never mention that. Those two countries are so bad that if we dropped our omissions to zero, there would be no improvement or impact. That’s science.

  4. We ruin EVERYTHING.


    Once we destroy ALL your institutions, you will BEG us to rule you to save you from the mess WE caused.

    We will TAKE the power you give us, then utterly destroy you with it.

    Its the Communist way.

    You’d know that, if we hadn’t destroyed education years ago…

  5. The commies had to find something that they think could replace God. People don’t know that, every day, more and more real scientists are confirming the truths of Scripture. For the past six months or so I’ve been engrossed in this subject — from archeological finds to the perfection of mathematics to describe the universe. One particular organization, founded by Frances Collins (head of the Human Genome Project), BioLogos, is devoted to Christian scientists and what they have to say about the history and application of science in Christianity. Fascinating stuff, and fabulous apologetics for those who want to have something intelligent to say in response to the either/or (“God is Dead/Science Is Real”) idiots.

    The evil one has been hard at it. First was the Big Lie about the parties switching sides in the south, and now this nonsense science-is-better-than-God.

  6. …if anyone is interested, I’ve got some great links to things like studies into the Shroud, latest archeological bombshells, and a wonderful video on the Mendelbrot Set. Mind-blowing stuff.

    Makes the commies and their theories about global warming look like backward children, eating the sand in the sandbox.

  7. I read a stat recently that only 25% of health care related research papers released in the last two years are reproducible. That means 75% of the papers are being written by idiots or grifters. That’s why I don’t see doctors unless I absolutely have to. It’s a completely fucked field now, thanks to the shitbag left and Obamacare.

  8. A a teenager in the 70’s I was told to beware the coming Ice age.
    In the 80’s I was told to beware the hole I helped to punch in the Ozone layer.
    Since then Global Warming and Climate change, which by the way has caused every natural disaster since it’s discovery, are my new things to fear.
    Science being a joke isn’t a new thing.

  9. I just can’t get over this quote. I woke up this morning and was just chewing on it. Because it is so correct! I can’t even remember who said it. But it is so generic and it hit’s the point…
    …”Americans are retarded”.

  10. DaveVA — thanks for that! I’m only familiar with the org because Collins has some very good presentations on yt concerning science and God. I don’t even know if he’s still with the org he founded. I guess I should have checked first before talking about BioLogos. Could be that the present, active heads of the org are pushing the covid junk science(?) Or maybe there’s more to it than that — a concession in order to continue their own work? Maybe they’re all getting threatened by the leftists (cancelled?)?

  11. 33 yrs ago when I saw my first sonogram I knew the left only cared about their version of “the” science. If they actually believed science and weren’t deniers of creation they would see a sonogram and know that was a baby and not a clump of formless cells.

    Obama tried to shut down fishing off the coast of Maine by declaring great swaths of ocean national parks.
    Fishermen in the US are mostly small businesses and the left hates independent small businesses.

  12. Everything is merely a means to the marxist end. All is fungible and to be used because the ends always justify the means with these pinko bastards.

    They all serve Satan. Progs always rebut my point by claiming to be atheist. My response is that they just proved my point.

    To deny God is to worship Lucifer.

  13. Lubchenco is a Grant whore. She successfully conned the gubment into granting scientific research projects for decades. trust me, I know of this firsthand. I even sat next to he on a flight from SF to Eugene one evening. She’s so full of shit, that it would give a reputable scientist a serious case of heartburn.

  14. It’s the Judean People’s Front!
    It’s The People’s Judean Front!

    It’s got nothing to do with the same… the physically singular… White Knights of Ghey.

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