Scientists Discover a Way To Convert AOC’s Brainless Rhetoric into Coal – IOTW Report

Scientists Discover a Way To Convert AOC’s Brainless Rhetoric into Coal

An international team of scientists (Australia, China, Germany and the United States) have discovered a way to convert CO2 into coal, making CO2 a RENEWABLE ENERGY.

There goes Occasional Cortex’s narrative, up in smoke. (Don’t worry, we can convert the smoke back into coal.)

Turning CO2 into solid form is not a new technology, but historically it was an extremely expensive process. This team says they’ve cleared this hurdle and not only made it less expensive to convert, the resulting product is more versatile. It’s able to hold an electrical charge, making it material that can be used as a supercapacitor. Win/win.


ht/ c. steven tucker


8 Comments on Scientists Discover a Way To Convert AOC’s Brainless Rhetoric into Coal

  1. Unless it can be made using less overall net energy to produce it than mining it does then it isn’t going to be economically viable in the free market.

    It’s the same as shale oil not being economically viable to produce when petroleum prices are low, it won’t be able to compete with lower priced sources.

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