Scientists discover massive reservoir of greenhouse gases – IOTW Report

Scientists discover massive reservoir of greenhouse gases

Scientists discover massive reservoir of greenhouse gases.

These mental midgets masquerading as Science Editors can only see a Global Warming Apocalypse due to these billion year old (mostly like, or precursors to) hydrocarbons – and not that this plays precisely into the Abiotic Theory of Hydrocarbon Formation. – Silence Do Good

Abiogenic petroleum origin – Wikipedia

15 Comments on Scientists discover massive reservoir of greenhouse gases

  1. Just when you get used to the end being a massive coronal ejection, or a nearby supernova, this crap comes along.
    Going to have to get some sturdy pants because of all the super cactus that will emerge in the carbon-rich atmosphere.

  2. Al Gore was right when he told Conan O’Brien “the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees.”
    And we all thought he was a full of shit batshit crazy inner chaka climate change charlatan.

  3. “It would be impossible to drill far enough down to physically ‘see’ the Earth’s mantle, so a team of researchers used a massive group of sensors to paint a picture of it, using mathematical equations to interpret their results.”
    I’m sure all these equations will go into more climate models like the ones that are completely false, but these will be totally trustworthy.

  4. One theory of how this might affect us is it the Yellowstone super volcano were to erupt that this could release this huge reservoir of CO2. If the Yellowstone super volcano were to erupt in a way that it releases gases from 200 miles below the surface we will not be worried about CO2. We won’t be around to think about it.

  5. Is it “melted carbon” or is it CO2? The article is not clear. If it is CO2, then it is about thirty times the CO2 in the atmosphere. Limestone which formed by NATURAL PROCESSES, (that sequestered CO2 into CaCO3,) contains about six thousand times as much CO2 as does the atmosphere. Huh? How’d it get there with all of those funny little fossil inclusions, (i.e. signs of life,) from a time when MUCH more CO2 was in the atmosphere than today?

  6. Known as the upper mantle, this section of the Earth’s interior is known for by its high temperatures where solid carbonates melt

    Wouldn’t get too exited. So you have a quadrillion tons of molten limestone and dolomite.

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