Scientists Warn that Underwater Volcano Off Oregon Coast is ‘Primed to Erupt’ in 2025 – IOTW Report

Scientists Warn that Underwater Volcano Off Oregon Coast is ‘Primed to Erupt’ in 2025

The active volcano last erupted in April 2015. This eruption was significant as it was detected in real-time by instruments installed as part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Cabled Array, marking the first time an underwater eruption was monitored live, Ocean Observatories Initiative reported.

17 Comments on Scientists Warn that Underwater Volcano Off Oregon Coast is ‘Primed to Erupt’ in 2025

  1. It’s erupted 3 or 4 times since 2000. Not too big a deal. Shield volcano, deep source lots of iron & manganese, makes for runny lava like Hawaii. It could still result in some landslide generated waves, but not much risk of a Tonga like event with a large tsunami.


  2. Darn! With the peak at ~4600 ft below sea level, not much chance of a tsunami. Earthquake? Maybe a minor one.
    Ah well.

  3. When this volcano does erupt and the surface water temp. increases in the area, the Leftists will all scream it was due to man-made global warming for it to happen in the first place.

  4. If it takes out Oregon with a gigantic tsunami, I’m OK with it. It could be our first underwater state. We could name it Nogero.

    Why is Oregon named like a spice almost everyone has in their spice rack? Anyone know?

  5. Tim, us west coasters have a bad reputation. However, I believe it has a lot to do with democrat politicians and liberal judges, and the acceptance of illegal voters, plus the media, that has created an uninformed assumption of who the majority of us are. I assure you, you want us on your side! I’m as sick and tired of our politics as anyone! Probably more so because I’m living it. You have more allies than you realize here.


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