SCOTUS Sending Message Of Unity In Numerous Unanimous Decisions – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Sending Message Of Unity In Numerous Unanimous Decisions

Jonathan Turley

Today the Supreme Court issued two more unanimous decisions in Garland v. Dai and United States v. Cooley.  This follow two unanimous decisions last week.  The weekly display of unanimity is notable given the calls by Democratic leaders to pack the Court. Yesterday, I wrote about how the heavy-handed campaigns might backfire with the justices. As we await important and likely divided decisions on issues like abortion, Chief Justice John Roberts and his colleagues seem to be sending a message that the Court is not so rigidly ideological as Democratic members and activists suggest. More

10 Comments on SCOTUS Sending Message Of Unity In Numerous Unanimous Decisions

  1. Yeah, I can see them in the judges chambers, holding hands during deliberations and singing “Kumbaya My Lord”.

    Oh wait, the abortion advocates on the court don’t believe in God. Never mind.

  2. You can NEVER trust or count on John Roberts.

    Something isn’t right with him…
    Perhaps he’s being blackmailed by obama, brennan, and rosenstein

  3. I was convinced from the very start that the Deep State has the goods on Roberts. He sailed right through confirmation. As for who? After considering his “rulings and decisions, I would say the Chicago Democrat machine.


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