SCOTUS to Hear Cases Touching on the “Administrative State” – IOTW Report

SCOTUS to Hear Cases Touching on the “Administrative State”

Courthouse News

As the justices head back to One First Street for a brand new term in October, their gaze will be trained down Pennsylvania Avenue. 

Next term, the Supreme Court justices will examine two cases targeted at the administrative state — a term that has come to define how the executive branch agencies create, adjudicate and enforce their own rules. More

13 Comments on SCOTUS to Hear Cases Touching on the “Administrative State”

  1. It’s been a while since I’ve read a more biased article. Kelsey Reichmann, the author, is a particularly nasty statist who either wants in on the unaccountable exercise of power, or is naive to the point of stupidity.

  2. “For me, there’s nothing more consequential to the ordinary citizen and to the body politic than transparency and limitations placed on administrative health, safety and environmental agencies, and that’s exactly what’s at stake,” 

    There, FIFY

  3. More like, the “WEAPONIZED FAILED” administrative state.

    When the corporate media asked the IRS why it needed automatic weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition and heavily armed staffers trained in the “use of deadly force,” they said it was for “administrative reasons.”

    The weaponization and militarization of the federal government continues unabated as Congress and the states sit back and do nothing.

    You are on your own when the ATF, FBI, IRS or other alphabet agency bursts through you door at 3:30 in the morning with two heavily armed SWAT Teams, HUMVEES, Helicopters and the media to ask you why you spent $400 cash on a S&W pistol you purchased from your neighbor.
    Good Luck if you think Congress or the State has your back.

  4. The Administrative State has enabled a dictatorship. Through “Rules”, The State has over-ridden personal freedom and the free market to limit choices, raise costs, and generally denigrate the happiness and well being of the American citizens. Decision making that should be the purview of the individual, free citizen has been usurped by a less-than-benevolent cadre of “experts” who’s own agendas conflict with the primary premise for the founding of these United States: Personal Liberty. Because government governs best when it governs least, our current system of over-arching government is, by definition, a failure. We can’t put the Jinn back in the bottle, so we must hope that there is still a way to return him to his master, Satan.


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