SCOTUS To Hear Census Citizenship Question Today – IOTW Report

SCOTUS To Hear Census Citizenship Question Today

Daily Caller

The Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday over the Trump administration’s bid to append a citizenship question to the 2020 census questionnaire.

Democratic states and city governments are challenging the citizenship question, fearing that diminished noncitizen participation will deprive them of federal funding and seats in Congress. The Justice Department, on the other hand, says citizenship questions have regularly appeared on past census forms and enhance the enforcement of federal law. More

9 Comments on SCOTUS To Hear Census Citizenship Question Today

  1. Up until Obama a citizenship question was required, either individually or statistically (for a certain number of respondents) from about 1812 until the census of 2010. Obama’s administration removed it from the 2010 census. Gee, I wonder why?

    It should be restored.

    This will be a big test of the level of conservatism of Chief Justice Roberts.

    Just sayin’.

  2. Doing a search of old census records for genealogical research, I found all my ancestors and other relatives from earlier times were listed as citizens or not citizens.

    If it was OK then but not now, what law(s) have changed since then to make it so? Are the opponents legally justified by law or are they trying to change historical -and legal- practices using the Court as a means?

  3. Simple questions:
    A) Do non-citizens belong here? No
    B) Should non-citizens impact representation? No
    C) Are Democrats traitorous, power-mad, cheating despots? Yes

  4. This will be interesting. From everything I read the census can ask just about any question they want and this question is no exception. The vote on the SCOTUS should be unanimous in favor of the Census if they follow the law. If the liberal Judges decide to follow a political route the vote will be split which should re-energize the movement to fill all the vacant judges and do something about the 9th.


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