Seal Blasts Oprah and Her Clapping.. err.. seals Over “Historic Golden Globes” Speech – IOTW Report

Seal Blasts Oprah and Her Clapping.. err.. seals Over “Historic Golden Globes” Speech


Seal has accused Oprah Winfrey of knowing about Harvey Weinstein’s history of sexual abuse in an Instagram post. The musician posted a meme in which Oprah can be seen kissing Harvey Weinstein on the cheek. The text reads: “When you have been part of the problem for decades but suddenly they all think you are the solution.” Oprah starred in the Weinstein-produced “The Butler.”

“Oh I forgot, that’s right,” Seal wrote in the caption that accompanies the post, “you’d heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young stary-eyed actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad. #SanctimoniousHollywood”

“Filmmaker James Schamus captured so much of what I’ve been feeling when he said: ‘This is the story of one predator and his many victims; but it is also a story about an overwhelming systemic enabling, and until that story is fully told we will fall far short of stopping future depredations on a similar scale.’”

23 Comments on Seal Blasts Oprah and Her Clapping.. err.. seals Over “Historic Golden Globes” Speech

  1. @joe – the blonde has commented, in fact says she was assaulted by Harvey and that he used her infatuation with 0prah to get at her. She felt that 0prah willingly enabled it.

    Starting to put zeroes into 0prah’s name too now. It seems the least I can do.


    🔹 Arms crossed (defensive)
    🔹 Hand over crotch (defensive)
    🔹 Shoulders / body contracting (defensive)
    🔹 Holding Oprah’s hand (security)
    🔹 Lips tight (disapproving)
    🔹 Eyes wide-open (shocked)

    Yet creepy Weinstein invades her space, touches her anyway, and Oprah smiles.

    You know a person by the friends that they keep.

  3. Mithrandir, you missed one: Weinstein’s pimp holding the girls arm to keep her from defending herself with it.

    However much this picture screams for memes and captions, I think it’s far more powerful with nothing added, just as it appeared in the Oprah/Weinstein puff piece in which it first appeared.

  4. Tommy,
    No idea. TMZ got a hold of that video a couple days ago and it’s all over the place. Would have been nice to see them both get their asses kicked but there we were obviously in the middle of a restaurant. So not cool.

  5. “Big Mama gonna take care of you. It be awright.”
    Wow, Oprah and her Hollyweird pimp cohorts should realize by now she doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of becoming a U.S. presidential candidate. Photos like this have sealed the deal. Most Hollywood celebs are not only evil, they’re stupid.

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