Seattle Councilman – Give Us Your “Tired” – IOTW Report

Seattle Councilman – Give Us Your “Tired”

Bums on wheels get free reign over Seattle streets.

A Seattle councilman, the one who once proposed handing the city’s parks over to the homeless, has now proposed that Recreational Vehicles that house homeless people be exempt from parking laws. Not only that, their vehicles can never be impounded, even if used in the commission of a crime, like whoring.


This is progtardism at its finest. This is not helping people who have “fallen through the cracks, ” this is helping people who make the cracks.

ht/ illustr8r

26 Comments on Seattle Councilman – Give Us Your “Tired”

  1. The Seattle City Council is an anti-American organization if I ever saw one. Libs in Seattle should be ashamed of themselves. Conservatives in Seattle must wonder if there is any hope for their city.

  2. Try and interfere with seizing and impounding evidence that was used in a crime and see how fast your head spins as those cuffs tighten up on your limp wrists, homo politician.

  3. GREAT news. Going to let Portland’s worthless bums know they can go to Seattle and would fit right in. Oops. Didja think I was talking about the bum mobiles? Sorry. I was referring to our City’s politicians. Sorry bout the confusion.

  4. The homeless in Seattle should be provided with the names, addresses and phone numbers of the entire city council so they can move in with them and use their stuff, eat their food and pollute their neighborhood.

  5. A friend in West Seattle has had up to 4 homeless vehicles on her street at one time. Parking is a premium so residents can’t even park by their homes (because the new condos don’t supply enough spaces and so overflow ends up on side streets). It’s a nice neighborhood.

    The latest 2 are millennials who sleep in their car. They dress well and look neat and clean. She spoke to them once and they shower at the gym and go to work (wouldn’t say where). They live in their car as an adventure and a choice. The other is a creepy white van with one unkempt guy and his friends coming and going. He’s the one she’s worried about.

  6. The cities being overrun with these vermin. You wouldn’t believe the explosion in rats that they’ve caused. For my first fifteen years in Seattle I never saw rats. Now thanks to the homeless scum camp a block away,I see rats in my yard on a daily basis. Walking home one night I saw one of the scum passed out on the sidewalk. He was covered in rats. This is a block away from houses that start in the 700 grand range & six blocks away from the uw. This is what these communists are doing to their city.

  7. Seattle is doing everything it can to make it hard to drive in the city. Streets that used to be four lane have been cut down to two. Now they want big RV’s to park anywhere with impunity.

    Somehow this won’t be allowed in the elite neighbourhoods, though. They’ll find a way to keep those areas clean.


    You can’t park your car/van/R.V., A*N*Y*W*H*E*R*E where the police won’t tell you to move some place else. You have to stay in perpetual motion if you don’t actually have enough money to own a home or apt. to park it and live.


    Why not just bulldoze an area like any K.O.A. campground does, and make parking sites for free. How much does it cost to maintain a flat lot filled with gravel?

    Put dumpsters there for garbage of course, and (gasp!) perhaps have water spigots, and who knows, maybe even a working toilet and access to a bus line.

    You want bums, homeless, people living in vans-down-by-the-river to live near you, or do you want to give them some place to go where the cops won’t bother them (or you), give them tickets they can’t pay anyway, impounding, clog up courts, and have open warrants all the time?

    Geez, we waste gobs of money on the stupidest shit, you’d think this cheap compromise would save everyone the headache.

  9. @SuperPatriot Seattle has tried similar set ups. However they do it ends up costing 100k for basic utilities, security and just finding the space for it. Tax dollars of course. They have Tiny house towns on church parking lots…it’s just nuts. Now, they are trying to pass safe injection sites without voters having a say…

    I miss the Seattle I moved to in the ’80’s. Today, they tore down the Alki Tavern to make way for more Silicon Balley leftists tired of California no doubt. 😢

  10. @Illustr8r

    Tired of seen money for Pakistan and Guantanamo Bay, and the rest of the welfare world get our money.

    We HAVE money. Lots of it. Spend it on at least trying to do something constructive with it.

    Shall we just throw our unwanted in a wood-chipper so we don’t have to spend any time or money thinking about it?

  11. @SuperPatriot
    Amazon has bought downtown buildings and have mildly renovated them for the homeless ( mostly for women and children). It a temp fix as someday Amazon expects to expand to that space. People and “evil” corporations are doing what they can but the problem is as overwhelming as it is sad. Whatever Seattle is doing now encourages more of it and allowing meth labs to park in neighborhoods isn’t the answer.

  12. for years I’ve worked a block away from where the pic was taken. That’s a tame pic. There are people living under the Ballard bridge with piles of garbage as high as a person. Parking has become near impossible because of the glut of homeless hotels that take up every space. There’s also been rampant crime from drug dealing to prostitution. They busted one of these scum with twenty grand & a very large store of heroin. It’s insanity.

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