Seattle DJ Loses Office To Make Way For “Bike Repair Room” For ONE Employee – IOTW Report

Seattle DJ Loses Office To Make Way For “Bike Repair Room” For ONE Employee

Seattle DJ Loses Office To Make Way For “Bike Repair Room” For ONE Employee

Also, the deejay reports that all of the area public libraries will install bike repair and tire pump stations in order to push “eco friendly” travel.

So, if you’re not riding a bike, you’re UNFRIENDLY.


11 Comments on Seattle DJ Loses Office To Make Way For “Bike Repair Room” For ONE Employee

  1. As I drive a fully paid for 2000 Toyota 4Runner 4WD SUV with a 3.4 V6 engine, I guess that makes me EXTREMELY unfriendly – with prejudice. Suck my tailpipe exhaust, bitches!
    Oh — and a hearty F**k You to you too.

  2. Why can’t it repair its bike in the alley?
    Or on the sidewalk?

    Why doesn’t it buy (or steal) a bike that doesn’t continually need to be repaired? A Schwinn, maybe … or that Wal-Mart brand …

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