Seattle Homeless Czar Explains The Causes Of Their Homeless Crisis – IOTW Report

Seattle Homeless Czar Explains The Causes Of Their Homeless Crisis

The picture at the Seattle Times post explains a lot for me. It’s a panel of three people in charge of policy in King’s County-  A bald Moby-looking dude, a wise latino and your guess is as good as mine.

Here’s the bald Moby looking dude with his theories. They are excerpts from a larger interview.

it’s completely an individual failure and there are no systemic reasons for the growth in homelessness….It’s not always an individual failure… 

Uh huh. I see. It’s completely an individual failure… but not.

I do think we have a magnet effect within (King) County. We have most of our services in Seattle, and therefore we have most of our unsheltered homelessness in Seattle. When Bellevue or Federal Way says, “We don’t want to become the next Seattle,” I don’t think the solution is to not have the services.

Uh huh. I see. Seattle has become a sh8thole because of the magnet effect of services, but when Bellevue says they don’t want to be the next Seattle, the solution isn’t to not have services.

I talk with families from Arizona and Georgia coming here because they hear there is opportunity here. I don’t hear that, somehow, people in Atlanta know Seattle has a good soup kitchen, or something. It’s possible.

When we asked, 5 percent — 50 out of 1,100 people — said they came here homeless and because of the services. That’s self-reporting, and it was a homeless person asking a homeless person.
Uh huh. I see. You interviewed 1,100 people who came to Seattle and the 1,050 of them that came here, that weren’t homeless, didn’t come for the services. But the 50 who came to Seattle that were homeless said they came for the services, but somehow you’ve extrapolated from your data that the services aren’t what the homeless are coming here for?
I could continue fisking this very important guy’s interview, but why? Seattle gets what they vote for. They vote in idiots that look a certain way because that makes them feel like they are enlightened. I hope you feel very enlightened when an HIV-laden hypodermic pierces your Birkenstock and then you step in hep-c laden feces.
ht/ jd hasty

22 Comments on Seattle Homeless Czar Explains The Causes Of Their Homeless Crisis

  1. Basic Austrian economics: lower the price of something and, all other things being equal, you get more demand for it.

    Seattle has lowered the price of living like a dirty bum. It takes profound stupidity or literally thoughtless adherence to ideology not to understand why Seattle has a lot of demanding dirty bums.

  2. Seattle has to many homeless because they can’t sell them for profit….call them ‘Organically Raised Puget Sound Orca Refuges” and the problem is solved. Portland will buy 20 tons…

  3. What Seattle needs is a Republican dominated legislature that can pass a law forbidding municipalities from banning homeless services, then spend hundreds of millions of dollars of state funds setting up homeless shelters in the suburbs; but before you build them, the Speaker of the House needs to step in and force to closure of the shelters downtown and roust the street scum out of the neighborhoods they had taken over and the camps along the river, spreading the infection throughout the city and county (except the city the Speaker lives in). It worked for Salt Lake City.

    Golfing buddies — they make the world go ’round.

  4. The sense of superior enlightenment just drips from the Seattle progs. I have been around them and their arrogance for over five decades now and recognized it as a pathology before leaving elementary school.

  5. We will be the new home base for MS 13 and all the other shithole gangs real soon. Thanks free Heroin.
    Anyone who has not lived in a city and watched it go to hell does not understand. For me, first Portland then Seattle.
    If you lived here in the 70,s thru the early 90,s you have no idea how things have changed. The northwest is one of the most wonderful places to live in the whole world. Not so much now.
    The Left can and will destroy all it wants too.
    I have seen it.
    We have to stop them, or they will come to your city next.

  6. Geoff the Saltine(lol). Atlanta is a perfect example. Atlanta(the actual city) is tiny. The sprawl puts people that “live” or work in Atlanta 30-60mins out(with min traffic). The city is dominated by liberals, whereas most of the people that work and support that city live damn near an hour away. I lived in the middle of it at GaTech and after for years in the mid 90’s after the Olympics tried to clean it up. It was a shithole prior and had a reprieve for about 3-5 years with new construction and housing. It quickly returned to the shithole I always knew it to be. I won’t go unless an uber takes me in and takes me home. Refuse to pay the ridiculous hotel/parking/food&dining prices for a place that just sucks at hosting. I don’t mind paying for nice things. Outside the city has every single thing you could want that is offered inside. I refuse paying elevated prices just to say “I’m in the city” while hoping I don’t get fucking robbed(after a late night) or car jacked(because i’m at a stop light). GTFO

  7. Uncle Al you can live here and be a clean bum not a dirty bum with all the free money and every thing else they give you.
    I wish I new how to get all the free shit they do.
    Won’t do it. Not a taker, just a payer.

  8. Just keep focusing on doing something for people who refuse to do something for themselves cuz they got people who will do it for them who don’t understand that doing something for people who won’t do something for themselves does solve the problem of people who won’t do anything…

    If ya get whut I mean…
    Otherwise just blame it on Global Warming and the Tax bill!

  9. Bellevue is the most republican part of King County so they know better. Federal Way is a conglomeration of strip malls and track housing with horrendous traffic and has to be the most unattractive “city” in the state. Not even the homeless would want to live there.

  10. It is a truth the left will never see and will work hard so that no one else ever does…
    “You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you punish”.

    Why are Liberals/communist/MSM talking heads always surprised when this happens to their plans for utopia?

    The Liberals/communist/MSM talking heads have a monopoly on power in Seattle, they have and support more progressive taxes (Punish those who earn, punish harder those who earn more) while at the same time give free benefits to those who either can’t or won’t work.

    And they have the gall to be surprised that their tax revenue never matches their expected windfall (Stupid Americans who choose to leave rather than be punished for working hard). And they are astounded at the filth and corruption and crime in their growing crowds of takers and drug dealers and drug addicts and derelicts.

    Charity is a wonderful thing, and when done right can truly help those in need to become health and productive and happy once again. I know several churches that do wonderful work loving their fellow man.

    I have NEVER seen any government program that actually helped people become independent and happy, all I have ever seen government “charity” produce is multi-generational dependent and helpless and deeply angry derelicts. But every single one of these derelicts vote demoncrat, so apparently the Liberals/communist/demoncrats have simply found a way to pay for more demoncrat votes with our tax dollars.

    I think that the powers within the demoncrat party DOES understand the truth of what they do and they do it on purpose, to maintain their own power, while they destroy the lives of generations of Americans.
    “You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you punish”.

    MSG Grumpy

  11. “I have NEVER seen any government program that actually helped people become independent and happy, all I have ever seen government “charity” produce is multi-generational dependent and helpless and deeply angry derelicts.”

    You think that is not by design? It is what is known as the poverty industrial complex around here and there are a lot of heads of non-profits and government agencies pulling down who are six figures annually who benefit from perpetuating the problem.

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