Secret Service Officer Gary J. Byrne: ‘The Hillary Clinton I Know Is a Complete Pathological Liar’ – IOTW Report

Secret Service Officer Gary J. Byrne: ‘The Hillary Clinton I Know Is a Complete Pathological Liar’

Breitbart: Former Secret Service officer Gary J. Byrne, author of Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate, joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Dailyto discuss the state of the presidential race after the second debate.

Byrne began by saying he “couldn’t disagree with Glenn Beck more” about the radio host’s proclamation that voting for Hillary Clinton was a more moral choice than voting for Donald Trump.

“Voting for Hillary Clinton is, to me, a complete mistake, and here’s why: I started out in the U.S. Air Force. I had to pass a battery of tests to get to the point where, in the U.S. Air Force, I was allowed to protect our nuclear arsenal. I then went on to become a Secret Service uniformed division officer for 12 years, where I had to take a polygraph test. In eight out of those twelve years, I protected the Clintons, and the Hillary Clinton I know is a complete pathological liar,” he said.

“Really, if you’re honest with yourself and you pay attention to some of the politics that goes on, you’ve seen this yourself,” said Byrne. “She never displays any kind of leadership. I cite many examples in my book where she gets so angry, she has the people that work for her, they’re terrified of her.”

He recounted a story from Crisis of Character about “these three women who came up from Arkansas with her. They knew the Clintons. The one lady worked with her at the Rose Law Firm, and she knew that Mrs. Clinton’s anger became so ferocious that she immediately started demanding people would get fired.”

“In the incident that I’m talking about, these women made a mistake ordering some stationery, and I saw them talking about it,” he continued. “They really looked like they were afraid of something. I thought something was wrong, somebody was sick. And they explained to me what happened, that they had inadvertently allowed an intern to order some stationery, and the girl had made a mistake, so they had tens of thousands of copies of these invitations to the White House that were worth a lot of money, that were useless. And they weren’t worried about the wasted taxpayer dollars. They were worried about who was gonna tell Hillary Clinton because they knew somebody was getting fired and sent back to Arkansas.”  MORE

8 Comments on Secret Service Officer Gary J. Byrne: ‘The Hillary Clinton I Know Is a Complete Pathological Liar’

  1. The funny thing is that the stories of Hillary’s abuse of the servants, her SS guards, the police, the military etc etc are legendary and have been around for years. Books have been published, become best sellers, made the most read lists and yet the press seems to be oblivious to the obvious and very, very deep character flaws in Clinton and as a result far too much of your population is unaware of just how nasty, cruel and unpredictable she is. You may not like Trump but he’s not a screaming, hair on fire, vicious, unpredictable shrew.

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