Secretariat, I Mean Climate Scar, Says We Don’t Need To Drill For Oil – IOTW Report

Secretariat, I Mean Climate Scar, Says We Don’t Need To Drill For Oil

Best comment:

It must be nice to be taken seriously when you’re wrong so much. – TheMan TheLegend

16 Comments on Secretariat, I Mean Climate Scar, Says We Don’t Need To Drill For Oil

  1. Anyone else remember that this horse faced creep and his heiress wife took off during one winter leaving their Boston Brahmin mansion’s sidewalk unshoveled under feet of snow ? And calling our soldiers dumb for enlisting?

  2. He had Boston move a fire hydrant because his guests found parking difficult in front of his Chi Chi neighborhood mansion up above Charles street near the Common in Boston.

  3. Anyone that would disfigure themselves to the extent that he did has got some very loose wiring.

    He’s been a scumbag his entire life. In the 1800s this kind of behavior was called out. Methinks he’s not the type that would take well to duels.

  4. Without too much effort you can do a quick search and scroll through 50 years of failed climate predictions and warnings. There is no reason why I would listen to them now. Hell, I stopped listening shortly after I started—sometime in the previous century.

  5. Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the phony-baloney, not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, Jihad Coddling, Moisturizing Metrosexual Precognitive Meteorologist, Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune, pedaling the false narrative Global Warming while investing in beach-front property.

    And Oh By The Way… he is also a swindling Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite!


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