Security Risk: Meet Senator Chris Murphy[ D-Conn]’s long-time Communist Party USA staffer – IOTW Report

Security Risk: Meet Senator Chris Murphy[ D-Conn]’s long-time Communist Party USA staffer

CFP: Is it okay for a United States senator serving on the Foreign Relations Committee to employ an aide who is a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)? What could be the security implications of such a relationship?

For several years, Sen. Chris Murphy(D-Conn.) employed CPUSA member Maxwell Goldman in a variety of positions.


Maxwell Goldman started as a field organizer for Murphy’s campaign in April 2012, and continued employment until at least September 2016, when he worked as a senior outreach assistant at the senator’s Hartford, Connecticut office.

14 Comments on Security Risk: Meet Senator Chris Murphy[ D-Conn]’s long-time Communist Party USA staffer

  1. Having a member of the CPUSA in such a position is no more stupid and treasonous than electing a muslim to the White House while Islam is OPENLY at war with us attempting to destroy us. Just evidence that US voters are MORONS.

  2. Having a member of the CPUSA in such a position is no more stupid and treasonous than electing a muslim to the White House while Islam is OPENLY at war with us attempting to destroy us. Just evidence that US voters are MO

  3. National security is nothing more than a nuisance to the dems. This attitude has been displayed for decades. Utter contempt for any rule that might hinder their objectives. There probably isn’t a democrat up there that hasn’t compromised security. And the republicans look the other way.

  4. You’ve heard the term Devil’s Advocate? That’s all he bein’ I’m sure -just another person with a different view to get the senator thinking of alternative ideas. America is after all, a country of diverse-sive-ness so shame on you who would be derisive about being diverse!

  5. No more surprising than having a CIA director (Brennan) who voted for the CPUSA candidate and later converted to Islam.
    We no longer have a McCarthy-esque patriot in govt.

  6. Thank goodness the Democrat Congressional delegation didn’t have ISIS supporting muslims running their Computer system.
    Can you imagine the Media uproar if that happened?
    Yeah, me either.

  7. Chris Murphy is a prime example of why there should be background checks and minimum standards for politicians just there is for any job. How many of these worthless, federal tit-sucking parasites would be driving a Pepsi truck or standing in an unemployment line if it weren’t for the fact that there are NO standards in politics!

  8. “CFP: Is it okay for a United States senator serving on the Foreign Relations Committee to employ an aide who is a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)? What could be the security implications of such a relationship?”

    The answer depends on your opinion regarding CPUSA’s backing of Hillary Clinton. Essentially, the Dem platform came from the CPUSA.

    They are not your father’s Democrats.

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