See Gettysburg, Leave the Rocks – IOTW Report

See Gettysburg, Leave the Rocks

Everyone should visit the Gettysburg battle field once in their lifetime. It’s a beautiful park with something for everyone to take back with them. Just don’t pocket any stones as a souvenir of your visit—

They’re cursed.




11 Comments on See Gettysburg, Leave the Rocks

  1. Government propaganda at its worst.
    One million visitors a year and what if every one of them takes one little rock? That insults my intelligence.
    Everyone knows that all one million will take 2 or more rocks. OK I’m kidding. A box brimming full of rocks.

    As for these poor saps that have had misfortune in their lives due to purloined GBurg rocks…. Everyone has misfortune in one way or another.
    I suspect the rocks in their cocktails are more to blame than the rocks they took from Gettysburg.

  2. Cursed rocks from Gettysburg? Don’t doubt it for a second. Whole damned place gives me the willies. I visit there from time to time as an American penitence.

    And yes, I have a tin foil hat.

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