See You Next Tuesday… – IOTW Report

See You Next Tuesday…

Wow. I’ve never wished for harm to come to an innocent… but….

I guess I would be no better than this crazy bitch who knows nothing about the science behind the jab.

29 Comments on See You Next Tuesday…

  1. They used to prevent crazy people from breeding. Or least raising their children.

    Don’t forget, this is one of those caring, loving “liberals”. She should scrape the COEXIST sticker off of her Prius.

  2. This illustrates the value of the 2nd Amendment

    This See You Next Tuesday assumes the right to unilaterally take command of other people’s lives and take their children from them.

  3. Yeah, all bets are off, you evil lunatic. Your poor kid will probably get the real poison Covid jab and you’ll have medical bills up the wazzo and go bankrupt. Done with you too, fool.

  4. I work with someone like this. She ran out and got her girls over 12 the jab right away, she masks all the time and had a melt down this week learning Aaron Rogers wasn’t vaccinated ranting he got what he deserved and how dare he not be vaccinated. Such loving people.

  5. Lord forgive me, the depopulation can’t come soon enough. Sorry for all of those who were tricked and aren’t total assholes, but I won’t be shedding any tears for the people like this.

  6. Hate to see what was drunk enough to have sex with that in the first place.

    Almost…almost hate to say it but I hope she takes in an illegal alien and gets the pointy end of the knife like that poor guy in Florida. God forgive me.

  7. LOL! Her upper lip is caught on her store-bought dental veneers!

    Old Racist White Woman: When I read your comment I thought “depopulation” you referred to was the Rapture! Haha! Women like this gal will think that’s a good thing until she gets a load of all the folks who are left behind with her in her perfect Utopia.

  8. I’m wondering where she got the kid from. Unless it’s her grand kid. She seems kind of aged to have that young of kid. And I doubt if she could find a sperm donor anyway.

  9. Well I saw this AFTER the post with Tik Tok crazy transgender loving mom lunatic. So this one is a two for! Insane vaxxer who is happy that her young children, who have zero chance of getting sick from the rona, can be vaccinated. AND she’s one of the psychopaths that is afraid of the unvaccinated and believes that SHE can’t spread the virus and they are going to kill her. Mental illness, and misinformed are a lethal combination. Thinking she’s not a part of a functioning family unit.

  10. @ even steven NOVEMBER 5, 2021 AT 3:37 PM

    Agreed. The sad thing is that my parent have gotten the jab. They are into their 70s, but I still don’t want to lose them early for this reason.

    But the worst is that my wife allowed my 17 year old step-daughter to be vaccinated, and unfortunately the SD is also pregnant. So if she is lucky enough to carry the baby to term, it already has the toxin in his (we know the sex, shut up Karen) system.

    In 5 years, there may be few of us left, and I fear that most of my family will have succumbed. And I fear even more that the people forcing this on us and telling everyone that it is safe have not taken the jab, and they will have consolidated their power of the few even more.

    God help us. Please.

  11. Wow, that woman is very unstable. She is blaming all unvaccinated for her craziness. That poor little child with her.

    Say your prayers everyday!!!

    God Bless us all!


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