Seems like a nice guy… – IOTW Report

Seems like a nice guy…

The U-Haul truck, symbolically, is a nice touch.

Is there a place I am not aware of where the left has not poisoned society with their ideas?

A good destination for the U-Haul?

26 Comments on Seems like a nice guy…

  1. I think I will start carrying a taser in the car. A few shots in the ‘nads might slow him down.

    If this was SF, PDX, or any one of a number of dem-run cities, he could have done that to a cop car and not suffered any consequence.

  2. My end goal is to wind up somewhere in southern Appalachia with enough acreage to have no reason to leave my property. In the circumstance someone like this stumbles on or around my property they will be shot and no one will know about it. I’ll be one of those old men walking around with a big stick for a cane, overgrown beard, straw hat, tattered overalls, and a no bullshit attitude.

  3. …well, at least he wasn’t TOTALLY naked, nice sock choice there to give high visibility to help people see you while you’re in traffic molesting cars…

  4. sure speaks volumes about how cheaply modern vehicles are constructed tho, he’d NEVER have been able to yank the sneering chrome battering ram off the front of my ’73 Cutlass Supreme, not that he’d get CLOSE enough with a 350 under the hood…

  5. …so is this like the way bums used to ‘wash your windows’ at intersections, does he move on to the next one and expect to be ‘tipped’ for his ‘service’?


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