Seinfeld Actor Says Leftist Attempts To Blacklist Conservative Actors are Embarrassing – IOTW Report

Seinfeld Actor Says Leftist Attempts To Blacklist Conservative Actors are Embarrassing

12 Comments on Seinfeld Actor Says Leftist Attempts To Blacklist Conservative Actors are Embarrassing

  1. I am developing a fantasy. I want to corner various TDS sufferers like with an intervention and force them to explain their opinions with facts. Not like some of the cutesy youtube videos do, but force them to justify their opinions. And correct every wrong assertion they make and require them to fix it.

    Because they just throw out, repeat. such superficial garbage, Trump Russia Nazi etc. and when, on rare occasion they do give “facts” they have them wrong, e.g. “Trump mocked a disabled person”.

  2. He makes some very good points about the left wanting to shut down any thing that we have to say while they get a free pass on everything that they spew, and all the while calling for tolerance and understanding of their point of view.
    Hypocrites and liars is what they are.
    I think that this attempt at Doxing will back fire on the left and bring many other out of the woodwork in their support of P. Trump as he gets stronger, at least I hope so.
    PS Even if the left will not admit it, the facts are that most Americans love what he is doing and we will see that in 2020. Have faith.

  3. I am not worried about 2020. Especially when i look at the dem’s beauty contest. Each candidate an IQ of 80 and below. A pitiful group of knuckle dragging, mouth breathing bed wetting morons. Pitiful.

  4. Did not know J Peterman was a conservative and love the episodes he was in. Also interesting many times conservatives are intellectually curious how a liberals mind thinks. Not so much so on the other side.

  5. @PHenry ~ I understand the D’rats are giving citizens no reason to vote for any of their declared candidates. the only thing the survivor needs is “Orangeman Bad!” & that energizes their base … it’s all based on ‘feelz’ …. it was in the last election, the last presidential election, the last SCOTUS nomination.

    couple that w/ the massive voter fraud history of the D’rats, the ‘ballot harvesting’, they have a good chance of winning. rest-assured, they have put a massive amount of energy into to this fraud already & every day they’re doing more to flip the vote.

    we all need to do everything in our power to get out the vote. tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers (on the aside), local businesses, drive elderly neighbors to the polls, get them absentee ballots, talk to your social clubs, church members, make sure your kids & grandkids in other states & places vote … Insist on it! …. our country is at stake

  6. I’ve been wondering if liberals would EVER be embarrassed by the juvenile antics of their side.
    But it’s not entirely clear Seinfeld is a liberal.
    He probably is.
    But that would make ONE liberal saying anything at all about how despicable their side is acting so far in the three years of Trump.


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