Sell Out – IOTW Report

Sell Out

What repressive regime will Obama favor after Cuba? All the dictators in the world should be lining up to cash on the narcissistic one.


Just tell him he’s wonderful, sit back and haul in all the goodies this administration can pour upon them.

What other message does the thawing of relations and his up coming visit to the unrepentant tyrants communicate to the rest of the world?


7 Comments on Sell Out

  1. Guess you didn’t see today’s report in the WSJ about the secret peace deal the Obama regime made with North Korea just before NK set off their nukes.

    There was a time in America where there would not have been enough trees for these traitors

  2. Hopefully one of the dictators will take this narcissistic goof in so I don’t have to hear from him anymore.

    Better yet, let’s give him some land and rightfully call him a dicktaster.

  3. Exactly. Our Kenyan Communist Moslem-In-Chief will suck up to Kim Jong Un and North Korea before he is evicted from our White House.

    I’ll make two predictions right now:
    1) the theft of priceless American treasures from our White House when the clintons moved out in January 2001 will be eclipsed by the Obama move-out. He’ll steal the Oval Office desk and anything else that isn’t nailed down. It will take 200 full size tractor trailers to hold all the shit he steals from us. If Trump wins, all the “T”s will be missing from the keyboards. If Cruz wins, they’ll steal all the keyboards and leave the “C” keys.
    2) Our Kenyan/Indonesian Moslem-In-Chief will pardon so many felons, criminals, traitors, etc that it will dwarf the pardon list of Clinton. And I guarantee he will pre-pardon Eric Ricky Holder, as well as that corrupt incompetent lesbian running the EPA and NOAA’s Jane Lubechinko and any and all corrupt Democrat lickspittle appointees from his two misAdministrations. What the fuck, he’ll open up the doors to all the federal prisons and give ’em all EBT cards too.

    Nothing this Hate-America asshole does surprises me anymore. It’s like he and his Eminence Grease(tm) Iranian agent Valerie Jarrett sit in the Oval Office all day thinking up new ways to tear our country down.

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