Sen. Spartacus Takes the Moral High Ground – IOTW Report

Sen. Spartacus Takes the Moral High Ground

16 Comments on Sen. Spartacus Takes the Moral High Ground

  1. My take on Cory Booker.
    He’s a phony.
    Let me bring y’all up to date.
    When Cory was Mayor of Newark, NJ, He invented a guy, a junkie, drug dealer, named T-Bone. T-Bone once tried to kill Cory but then they became friends. This went on for years, when finally another politician from Newark told Cory the “cut the shit out.” And he did. You can read the whole story on a back issue of “National Review.”
    Then Cory, and I saw this on TV, gave a speech at Rutgers University, where he told the students, trying to relate to them, that after graduation he bought his first car and drove from New Jersey to Hawaii. The students cheered, but the professor jacked him up on that and he back tracked. They do not study Geography at Rutgers .The students were fine with what he said.
    Now he’s the Spartacus of the Senate. Hey Cory, I met Kirk Douglas once at Madison Square Garden in New York,years ago, and you’re no Kirk Douglas. But here’s my point. Cory confessed on national television last week that he once groped a girl. That’s a lie. He probably got laid, but he didn’t just grope the girl. He’s saying this to endear himself to the femenazis and progs. He’s full of shit. I demand an FBI investigation into his groping. Find the girl, investigate, and confront Cory Booker with the truth.


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