Senate confirms the nomination of Leonard Steven Grasz as circuit judge for the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals – IOTW Report

Senate confirms the nomination of Leonard Steven Grasz as circuit judge for the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals

BPR- All eyes were predictably on Alabama’s special Senate election on Tuesday, but while Democrat Doug Jones was pulling off a narrow victory over embattled Republican Roy Moore, President Trump picked up an important judicial nominee via a narrow Senate confirmation.

roll call

By a count of 50-48, the Senate voted to confirm the nomination of Leonard Steven Grasz as circuit judge for the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, despite the fact that the American Bar Association (ABA) rated the judge as “not qualified” for the position.

Of course, if the ABA were a non-partisan, unbiased arbiter of mere legal qualifications, one might be concerned. However, since we’re dealing with what Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse has called a “liberal advocacy organization,” their ratings of Trump’s nominees mean a lot less.

“That’s not a bad thing. You can be a liberal advocacy organization,” Sasse said last month during a Judiciary Committee hearing, according to The Hill. “You have First Amendment rights and you should use them. What’s not OK is being a liberal advocacy organization and be masquerading as a neutral evaluator of these judicial candidates.”

Democrats, predictably, criticized the move. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) asked, “A panel of nonpartisan, legal experts unanimously concluded that this man is not fit to be a judge. What else do my colleagues need to know?” adding, “more broadly, these attacks, in small but important ways, diminish our democracy.”

Grasz, a former Nebraska chief deputy attorney general, is currently a senior counsel at an Omaha firm. The rest is here

8 Comments on Senate confirms the nomination of Leonard Steven Grasz as circuit judge for the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals

  1. To the little mind Sen. Schumer has, if you are left-leaning you are honest, loyal,faithful, discerning, and respected seekers of fact. Otherwise you’re a partisan hack! What is the word sounds like Chuck but start with an F?

  2. So the Southern Poverty Law Center of the bar association doesn’t like Trump’s pick?

    Since when does the bar actually do ANYTHING about rogue judges and lawyers? They never do, that’s why they have no credibility.

  3. DJT needs to completely MAKEOVER the judiciary. Split the 9th, not in half, but in thirds, and place the two new courts in conservative locations. Same with others. Offer lucrative EARLY retirements to the filthy libstains. There’s nothing they like better than a free ride. But most importantly, Congress needs to start removing some of them.

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