Senate Deadlocks on Biden’s Antisemitic Nominee for Ambassador to Brazil – IOTW Report

Senate Deadlocks on Biden’s Antisemitic Nominee for Ambassador to Brazil

The Girl To Brazil.


The Senate Foreign Relations Committee deadlocked 11-11 along party lines last Thursday on President Joe Biden’s nomination of Elizabeth Frawley Bagley as ambassador to Brazil.

The nomination of Bagley, who served several US presidents, starting with Jimmy Carter, hit a wall last week after the Washington Free Beacon [link added] reported that in a 1998 interview, Bagley said American lawmakers support Israel because they want the Jewish lobby’s money. She also said––in 1998––that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem was a stupid idea that politicians love to repeat but would never do anything about it. More

9 Comments on Senate Deadlocks on Biden’s Antisemitic Nominee for Ambassador to Brazil

  1. Wait, she’s not a black lesbian? What gives?

    And on a similar note, that affirmative action hire who does not know what a woman is gets sworn in tomorrow, the newest SCOTUS judge.

  2. The dems know she shouldn’t be confirmed, but she is on record saying moving our embassy to Jerusalem was a dumb idea, and since Trump did it, they will vote to confirm her.


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