Senate Passes Bipartisan Border Funding Bill – IOTW Report

Senate Passes Bipartisan Border Funding Bill

Epoch Times: The Senate approved a $4.5 billion border funding bill on June 26, setting up a confrontation with House Democrats who passed their own version of the bill the day before.

The Senators voted 84-8 in a rare display of bipartisanship to fund President Donald Trump’s humanitarian aid request for the southern border. In contrast, Democrats in the House voted along party lines the day before to pass a competing bill, despite a veto threat from Trump. The Senate voted down the House bill.

Lawmakers raced to get a bill for Trump to sign before heading to a weeklong Independence Day recess, but with Nancy Pelosi’s insistence for a compromise solution, no bill will likely be agreed on until after the break.

The House bill included funding shortfalls for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), restrictions on how the money can be used, and a rollback of Trump’s order to cut aid to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.

According to The Hill, Senate Republicans signaled on June 26 that they intend to force Democrats into accepting the Senate bill.

Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) told reporters that a conference between both chambers to come up with a compromise was not a “viable” option.

“The House knows that they can’t get a signature on their bill, and most of what they want is in our bill and ours is a bipartisan bill,” Thune said, according to The Hill.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said the House bill is “inadequate.”

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