Senate Report Alleges: Hunter Biden Received Millions From Wife Of Ex-Moscow Mayor, Paid Human Traffickers, Had Contacts Linked To Chinese Military – IOTW Report

Senate Report Alleges: Hunter Biden Received Millions From Wife Of Ex-Moscow Mayor, Paid Human Traffickers, Had Contacts Linked To Chinese Military

Daily Wire

A bombshell report from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) and the Committee on Finance makes a series of damning new allegations against Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat presidential nominee. More

16 Comments on Senate Report Alleges: Hunter Biden Received Millions From Wife Of Ex-Moscow Mayor, Paid Human Traffickers, Had Contacts Linked To Chinese Military

  1. Crowder cracking wise about Hunter snorting coke off a sex slave’s back side on his morning show today. it would be funny, if it wasn’t true.

    And to think of the slanderous malarky the media and the Hillary Clinton campaign tried to convince people of about Donald Trump four years ago in the Steel dossier.

    There can be no compromise with this generation of democrats at the head of that party. They must be driven from the public forum and kept for every gaining any kind of position of responsibility.

  2. Mittens has been very quiet…..he didn’t want this investigation because his partner served on Burisma’s board along with the wet spot from Biden’s mattress.
    That’s a story to save for another day, doncha think?

  3. Kind of wonder if the Biden, “I told ’em to fire ’em” was a larger part of trying to cover-up the McCainNulandHillaryObama overthrow from 2014. Yaz is our guy eh Nuland?Shokin has petitioned Greek authorities to investigate his alleged poisoning there in 2019. Just as the Biden corruption is making rounds on the news. Whatever happened to Nuland? Pyatt is ambassador to Greece.
    Clamping down on corruption as well as “Yaz is our guy”
    From 2015


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