Senator Graham Transitions From RINO to Trumpist on Immigration – IOTW Report

Senator Graham Transitions From RINO to Trumpist on Immigration

DB Daily Update;

Today’s Campaign Update

(Because The Campaign Never Ends)

So, you’re sayin’ there’s still a chance. –  Hearts went to palpitating at fake media outlets all over the Texas news media yesterday when their hero, Irish Bob “Beto” O’Rourke, said he just might be running for president in 2020. At least, that’s the way Irish Bob’s comments are being breathlessly reported on your Texas-based radios and televisions this morning.

Of course, as is so often the case with our fake news media reporting on Irish Bob, the reporting isn’t exactly right. What the eternally cute and fidgety Democrat boy toy actually said was this:

O’Rourke said that he had just returned from a vacation with his family and was enjoying being home in El Paso. “That’s what we’re focused on now,” he said. “Just being together as a family, making sure I deliver everything I can to the people I represent until Jan. 3. Then Amy and I will think about what we can do next to contribute to the best of our ability to this community,” he said.

Then he looked at his wife in the audience. “Amy, how was that?”

In other words, the beloved Beto did not say he might be running, he just didn’t say an outright, unqualified “no” when asked. But that was enough to set our “Dumb and Dumber” fake news media off on another round of Betomania promotion.  more here

5 Comments on Senator Graham Transitions From RINO to Trumpist on Immigration

  1. Old Lindsey sure has found his voice. Funny how he manages to find it a year or so before his re-election bid. Sorry, not sorry. He’s as fake as Naugahyde. He can say anything he wants. Watch how he votes.


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