One day after Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) denied his presidential campaign was involved in the production of the so-called Russia dossier against President Donald Trump, the former Trump presidential primary rival candidate’s top campaign donor, Paul Singer, was revealed to have originally funded the firm’s anti-Trump research through the Washington Free Beacon.

Singer, a GOP mega-donor and open borders enthusiast, was behind–through the Free Beacon–the original efforts that Fusion GPS was engaged in to produce opposition research on Trump during the 2016 presidential election. After the primary was over and Trump was the GOP nominee in 2016, the effort shifted from a Free Beacon-and-Singer-backed Fusion GPS mission to a mission funded by failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign.
But, when pressed on the question this week, Rubio sought to distance himself and his campaign from his main donor’s efforts.
“As far as whether it was my campaign, it wasn’t and I’ll tell you why,” Rubio told CNN. He went on:
I was running for president. I was trying to win. If I had anything against Donald Trump that was relevant and credible and politically damaging, I would’ve used it. I didn’t have it.
I don’t know who it was. The one thing we do know, this thing about the dossier you’re discussing, all those press accounts, and I’m just going off press accounts, they all make it abundantly clear that the work that Mr. Steele did on that dossier didn’t even start until April or May or June, after the Republican primary was over. So that was the DNC, and that was the Clinton campaign.
But the Washington Examiner reported late Friday that lawyers for the Singer funded-Washington Free Beacon paid for the project from fall 2015 to spring 2016. Only after that did Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee pick up the tab for the research efforts, which would later lead to the production of the so-called Russia dossier, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.
Singer, a Wall Street hedge-fund billionaire, bankrolled “Gang of Eight” amnesty leader Rubio’s 2016 presidential bid. Both share a mutual belief in amnesty for illegal aliens and have called for increases in immigration.
Rubio couldn’t use it as it was too late, so his boys tipped off Hillary’s peeps about a “project” in the works. It’s so blatantly obvious.
Sorry Lil Marco, 2 + 2 still = 4
Who was behind the smear of Ted Cruz which everybody blamed on Trump?
And, as Rush said, can we stop calling this crap “opposition research”? It’s all smears and lies.
Singer was NOT funding the “dossier”. He was funding ooo research. The “dossier” came later, funded by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC.
Please don’t conflate the two.
What’s wrong with short people with their dirty little hands?
The conservatives in Rubio’s district ought to start looking for a strong, well-spoken, well informed candidate to run against him in a nomination battle. Having Singer in his corner even with the big checkbook won’t help him and could hurt him. For the Bannon haters out there (and there are a lot) he is doing an invaluable service in shaking up the establishment and trying to bring in candidates with actual conservative values that are willing to fight for what is right and not just for what is convenient or helpful to the left.
Perfect picture of a smug and arrogant asshole!!
Many say Marco is the first Cuban Communist Republican. wrong! John sunnuunu was a Communist cuban Republican before Marco was born.
But they both hate Reagan with a white hot passion! And both lie about it!