Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican – IOTW Report

Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican

Daily Caller: One of Hillary Clinton’s longest-serving, most-trusted political advisers is deeply worried that young voters will see more money in their bank accounts after the GOP tax cuts and therefore consider voting Republican.

Philippe Reines served as a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton for more than a decade in multiple roles in both her Senate and state department offices. He also advised Clinton in the lead up to her presidential campaign. Reines sat down with Washington interns to give his assessment of the political landscape after the 2016 election. Reines was asked by a young woman about the future of young voters in politics. The Clinton advisor first began by saying he didn’t know “how millennials think” and that it is “unclear what will get them going.”

Reines speculated that someone like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren would be good at tapping youth enthusiasm but went on to say he is fearful that Trump and GOP policies will begin to animate millennials, specifically when they see their taxes go down.  read more

17 Comments on Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican

  1. So, let’s review:

    For 20+ years, I’ve been hearing Dems lament how middle and lower class voters are voting AGAINST their own economic interests by voting Republican.

    But now he’s afraid that voters will be pulling the lever FOR their own economic interests.

    Got it.

  2. And yet the Rhino’s fight Trump on tax cuts, building the WALL,
    getting rid of OBAMACARE but they want him to go along with amnesty.
    Rhino’s are just so freak’n dumb. Can you imagine if we passed Tax reform before tackling Obamacare? Trumps numbers would be through the roof. Republicans will F this up. just watch.

  3. “But yeah, they are a key demographic ‘that’, [it’s who you moron they are people, not votes] voted oddly in 2016, and I am not sure people understand how to get them to vote productively. In 2020. – a maroon showing the Progs are wheezing their death rattle

    “oddly, productively”, meaning they stepped off the plantation and you will promise them anything to get them back.

  4. Let’s see… a trimmed down, efficient government that does suck the life out productive Americans.
    Whut’s not to like?
    Logic so simple even a degreed dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker Liberal idiot wandering around in a Politically Correct smoke-screen can understand it!

  5. Everyone I know who is a responsible person and a democrat is mad at the democrats over ACA. It fucked so many people that it wasn’t even funny. Obama was a racist piece of shit who surrounded himself with racist pieces of shit, and they used his executive power to fuck the white working class in the ass, and now the democratic party is in a total shambles because of it. They push this “Russian collusion” bullshit and various other items of impeachment porn because they know they lost the 2016 election because ACA rates for 2017 were announced the week before the election, and it enraged people who used to be in the DNC base.

  6. The democrats are in real danger of going the way of the Whigs. 2017 was a horrible year for socialism (progressivism). The propagandists infesting the news media and leftist toadies in government and academia are flailing wildly and hitting nothing. Conservatives need to attack harder than ever now that leftism is reeling.

  7. Anyone want to bet me the Progs & MSM try to tank the stock market before the midterm elections. They are that evil, and their followers are stupid enough to support it, including those living on a pension.

  8. Oh come on Philippe. No worries. It was Demonrats who tried to expand slavery, ran the KKK, and voted against passage of the civil rights laws.

    Yet it’s the GOP that is called racist. The Demonrats have the talent & skills to rewrite history. Within two years these morons you’re worried about will believe the Demonrats passed the tax cuts over GOP opposition. Your guys will get the credit.

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