Separated at Birth – Mayor Pugh Edition – IOTW Report

Separated at Birth – Mayor Pugh Edition

The mayor of Baltimore has been in the news for corruption.

Mansfield Lovell has nailed this  separation at birth-












Jar Jar Binks

17 Comments on Separated at Birth – Mayor Pugh Edition

  1. Jar Jar’s Binks recent quotes about his twin sister ;
    Ex-squeeze me, but the mostest safest place would be Ballmar’
    Hmm… …
    Yousa should backa her up now, okeeday? …
    How wuude!
    Count me outta dis one. …
    You’d say, “boom de gasa”… den crashded da boss’s heyblibber… den banished.
    den abouta arresta hersa,,,

  2. Did you place the Ad deliberately like that?
    You have the Mayor’s picture. Below it is an Ad for night vision glasses. The result is Mayor Pugh followed by a man shielding his eyes.

  3. Wasn’t there a big uproar about Jar-Jar’s character being a racist stereotype ?? Turns out the stereotype is real !!

    Art imitates Life or is it Life imitates Art?

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