Serial Dine and Dasher strikes again – IOTW Report

Serial Dine and Dasher strikes again

(NEWSER) – Paul Gonzales’ approach to dating is similar to that of many men. He meets women online and invites them out to dinner. But here’s where he allegedly diverges: According to CBS Los Angeles, 44-year-old Gonzales has been dining and dashing at area restaurants, leaving behind unsuspecting women he’s asked out on blind dates. CBS reported in August that Gonzales had left two women to pay the bill after walking out on restaurant dates last summer.

One of the women described how he’d eaten $100 worth of food at a restaurant in Long Beach—explaining he had to order two entrees because he’s a bodybuilder—before saying he was going to the bathroom. She never saw him again. Now, the man Grub Street identifies as perhaps “the world’s worst dinner date” appears to have struck again.  read more

16 Comments on Serial Dine and Dasher strikes again

  1. When I was young I used to Dine and Dash for fun. But once I learned that the waitress or waiter was usually responsible for my ticket it took all the fun out of it. Now out of guilt I usually over tip.

  2. In my younger days I once dined and dashed in Missoula, Montana. Within an hour a guy punched me and gave me a bloody nose. Instant karma. I can’t get away with anything.

  3. When I was a teen my buddies and I dined and dashed a few times after a night of drinking. I always felt bad and would leave a tip, not realizing that the waitress might have to pay for the bill.

    In the karma is a bitch a category I now own a bar & grill and I got ‘dined & dashed’ on last night. Doesn’t happen very often so the timing of this article is quite the coincidence.

  4. He’s 44. So who are the women he’s going on blind dates with that he’s sticking with the bill? Probably women in their late-30s/early-40s, which means more than likely one of three types:

    1. Feminist types who avoided marriage and children, and who are now rushing to beat their biological clocks.

    2. Women cheating on their husbands.

    3. Recently divorced women who are sucking out the majority of their ex’s income for alimony and child support, after kicking him out of his own house.

    In all three cases, I say AWESOME! This guy deserves a trophy. Maybe even a parade.

  5. If he wants to tennis shoe the bill, why invite someone else along? He could do that by himself. Of course, then he wouldn’t have anyone to converse with during the meal, so maybe that’s why he does it.

  6. @Mojo56, I’ve often thought about opening my own restaurant. What do you think of the name “Sam & Ella’s”? Got a nice ring to it doesn’t it? Real comfortable Ma & Pa feel.

  7. @/notmyrealname: I hope you do better than I did when I named my burger joint using my first initial and last name. Man, profits went down faster than Monica Lewinski.

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