Sessions CONFIRMED — But Not Before The Oldest Protester In The World Threw A Hissy Fit – IOTW Report

Sessions CONFIRMED — But Not Before The Oldest Protester In The World Threw A Hissy Fit


An older woman attempted to interrupt Jeff Sessions’ confirmation vote before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

Unfortunately, she started her outburst just seconds after the committee confirmed the former Alabama Senator by an 11-9 vote.

watch it  here

23 Comments on Sessions CONFIRMED — But Not Before The Oldest Protester In The World Threw A Hissy Fit

  1. Not a single Democrap broke rank.
    Midget weasel Coons (who called himself a “bearded Marxist”) even said his No with a badass ‘tude. LOL, he’s a reasoned, moderate, cooperative senator according to the “unbiased” Media.

  2. “Not a single Democrap broke rank.”

    They have no need to, being in a powerless minority.

    They can posture and play politics all they want without repercussion.

    They play the part of losers very well.

  3. ‘Shameful’

    What was truly shameful is that when her big moment came, it was a ‘senior moment’, and she forgot her script!


  4. If you have ever seen movies of the SS marching down streets in Germany during World War II, they graphically display the Democratic Party. They are all dressed the same and are in lockstep,

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