SESSIONS: Is the Republican Party Going to Keep Its Promise to Fight Amnesty or Not? – IOTW Report

SESSIONS: Is the Republican Party Going to Keep Its Promise to Fight Amnesty or Not?

From Doug Ross

The Chairman of the Republican Party made a promise to America on executive amnesty: ‘We can’t allow it to happen and we won’t let it happen… everything we can do to stop it we will.’

Unfortunately, the plan now being circulated in the House fails to meet that test. The executive amnesty language is substantially weaker than the language the House adopted this summer, and does not reject the central tenets of the President’s plan: work permits, Social Security, and Medicare to 5 million illegal immigrants—reducing wages, jobs, and benefits for Americans.


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13 Comments on SESSIONS: Is the Republican Party Going to Keep Its Promise to Fight Amnesty or Not?

  1. Isn’t it a Conservative’s duty to uphold and enforce the U.S. Constitution, when the chief law enforcement officer or Attorney General will not? Isn’t it the Conservatives that are willing to punish the Progressives/Socialists for violating the Constitution and Oath of Office?

    If those who took their Oath of Office will not stand up to a radical leader, violating his Oath, are they no better than the officers under Hitler, who claim they were just following orders?

    If we don’t have a protected Constitution, are we no better than Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, North Korea or any other country ran by the whims of it’s idealistic leader?

  2. The ONLY critique I have of Rush Limbaugh is that he needs to POUND the Republican establishment with the same passion and vigor as he does against liberals. Take the iOTWREPORT approach! He needs to go for the jugular! He does a great job against McStain. But he said before he challenged Rove recently, “Now I’m not picking a fight with Rove. He has always been nice to me but…” SLAY ‘EM LIMBAUGH! Don’t speak in generalities so much when talking about the Republican establishment, NAME MORE NAMES! There. I got that off my chest.

    I started reading Rush Revere to the Manderin kids. They love it and so do I. 🙂

  3. This is what happens when a bunch of sissyboy panty-waists are in charge…Boehner and McConnell are useless…we warned before November 2 elections that the Reps and Senators of the GOP to NOT vote for and keep these degenerates as leaders of the party… these GOP elected members of Congress don’t listen either. Just fire the lot of them and start over.

  4. I am so angry at congress and John-the -whimp- Boehner Everyone needs to call and email congressional reps NOW! Here is what I sent to our national poster boy of capitulation, John Boehner:

    ETHICS; do you even remember that keeping your promises to AMERICA is ETHICAL?

    You need to keep your promise to STOP the liberal agenda. AMERICA IS keeping watch and we are tired of capitulation and complicit behavior. Listen to Rep. Steve King’s group.

    The conservative factions of the House of REPRESENTATIVES are to be listened to, as you promised.

    Your actions speak of wishy washy leadership and broken promises. It is now apparent that the inaction of the House under your leadership IS the reason AMERICA is in the horrible condition it is today!

    Get your big boy pants on and STOP the liberal beast. Do a short resolution and work on the full budget after the new year. Proclaim loudly and clearly that there is a bill and if it is stopped IT IS PURELY OBAMA AND DEMOCRATS SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERMMENT.

    Obama’s petty, childish actions last time were clearly partisan and punitive. Who the hell does he think he is? He is who he is ALLOWED to be by CONGRESS!

    And stop using the blood, sweat, tears and morale of the military to fund the shortfalls YOU have allowed. They are loyal and continue to serve this parody of government. They don’t deserve the insult of a 1% pay raise while cutting housing and adding financial burden for medicines!! That is really low life. Welfare and yourselves don’t give as much and I don’t hear of any cuts there.

  5. I am proud to say, I’ve been bashing Boehner on comment lines since reading his Human Events articles clear back in ’07.
    I became thoroughly sure the collaborationist Gay Old Party was DEAD in the first week of Nov. 2006.

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