Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Inquiry – IOTW Report

Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Inquiry


WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions, facing a chorus of criticism over his contacts with the Russian ambassador, recused himself Thursday from any current or future investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. His conversations with the ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, came amid suspected Russian hacking directed at Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Mr. Sessions said he made the decision after meeting with senior career officials at the Justice Department. He said he would not take part in any investigations “related in any way to the campaigns for president of the United States.”

He also strongly denied that any of his conversations with Russian officials were related to the presidential campaign. And he said he did not intend to deceive the Senate when he said he had no such meetings with Russian officials.

The remarks by Mr. Sessions came not long after President Trump on Thursday expressed his support for Mr. Sessions and said he should not recuse himself from the investigation. Mr. Sessions was a key adviser and surrogate for Mr. Trump’s campaign.

Touring the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford, the newest American aircraft carrier, in Newport News, Va., Mr. Trump said that he “wasn’t aware” that Mr. Sessions had spoken to the ambassador, but that he believed the attorney general had testified truthfully to the Senate during his confirmation hearing.


22 Comments on Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Inquiry

  1. It time for Trump and Sessions to fire a couple shots over the bow of the ss obama. They need to be put on notice that the new Boss is getting pretty fuckin pissed!

  2. Word is that when Mr. Sessions was at the same conference as the Russian ambassador that they were passing messages to each other by blinking in Morse code, and that Sessions can Morse code Russian fluently.

  3. Did Attorney General Lynch recuse herself when Bubba met her privately on the tarmac in Arizona while Hillary was under investigation? Of course not. The Dems play by different rules that they make up along the way.

  4. NPR, New Yorker, NYT, Washington Post have anonymous sources AKA obolo, valerie, moose, hillary, Carlos Danger, John-with-the-gliest-face-on-earth-Lewis, Pelosi, washermanshuts, chelsea, Huma, muzz brotherhood, your crazy auntie who lives in the attic, and that magnificent specimen of a creature Podesta.

    Case closed.

  5. He recused himself? I wasn’t aware that he had ever cused himself in the first place. And if he had, wouldn’t that make him an ex-cuser? I know I’ve had to excuse myself on occasion in the past. Especially after beef and bean burritos. Whew!


  6. I believe it is very stupid of the Dems to keep poking the bear but I love seeing them do it. Trump has repeatedly shown he will react to a punch with the equivalent of a Hellfire missile. Very much looking forward to the flurry when it happens and expect it will be sooner rather than later.

  7. This farce was planned before Sessions’ confirmation hearing. Franken asked if Sessions knew of any discussion by Trump campaign staff with the Russians about the Trump campaign, and Sessions truthfully said, “No.”

    Franken asked this question knowing full well that…

    1. Any official conversations with the Russian ambassador by Sessions was done before he was officially onboard with the Trump campaign.


    2. Sessions’ conversation with the Russian ambassador was a) almost assuredly not about the Trump campaign and b) classified.

    The scumbag democrats have put Sessions in a position where the only way he can prove his innocence is to reveal a classified conversation, which would almost assuredly lead to his prosecution for revealing classified information. Meanwhile, the democrats’ unprovable smear tarnishes Sessions’ reputation in a way which he can’t possibly defend himself.

    Obama is a piece of crap, a traitor through and through along with all his cohorts. And, of course, the GOP are being total fucking pussies about it. Fuck them too.

  8. Headline above the fold in tomorrow’s NYT: Exclusive photos of Trump putting Russian Dressing on a Taco Bowl, proves collusion w Putin and racism.

    I really wish Sessions hadn’t recused himself, just on principle. The damn R establishment piles on as usual and it’s past time they get in line or 2018 is gonna look like 2014 in reverse. Of course I imagine they would be a.o.k. with that.

  9. I hope to hell this doesn’t screw up the investigation into the 2016 election in general. I also hope that Sessions doubles the efforts on finding and prosecuting the leaks and if it gets back to Obama so be it. Since Obama wants to get back into the game then he becomes fair game as well without the protection of the Presidency this time. Trump’s son ought to have his people start to look at the Soros family as well. Maybe that little issue can be settled outside of government.

  10. Just saw an apologetic Sessions on Carlson

    Stop apologizing right now. He should have announced investigations into criminals Schumer, Pelosi and Franken.

    Just stop it and turn to the Trump playbook. They
    Hit you in the nuts? Kick their nuts up to their chins
    Politicians don’t fit in with the American people’s takeover of their government. Politicians always go into apology mode.

    Fuck that shit.

  11. I agree PHenry. It’s past time the gloves come off. Trump can’t continue to fight these battles alone and take care of the people’s business too.
    Somebody needs to grow a pair, stand up and fight back. I’d give the establishment an ultimatum. Grass or gravel. We can do it the easy way or hard way. Get in line or start publicly naming names.

  12. He should also have made an explicit point to recuse himself from any, and all, investigations into alleged electoral abuses of Leprechauns and Unicorns.

    I’m certain that Sen. McCaskill and Rep.s Pelosi and Waters will be demanding investigations as soon as they get their talking points from Soros, the Politburo, or the Central Committee.

    izlamo delenda est …

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