Set Phasers On Stunning – IOTW Report

Set Phasers On Stunning

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16 Comments on Set Phasers On Stunning

  1. Being called ‘deplorable’ by a person of Hillary’s ilk…a lying, self-serving, greedy, abusive, corrupt, political panderer, and the media and celebrities that worship at her feet…is actually a compliment.

    I’m proud that such a disgusting bitch, and her equally repugnant minions and fanboys, find me ‘deplorable’.

  2. Deplorable: deserving of condemnation. Example:The interment and seizure of assets of American citizens of Japanese descent by FDR and the Democratic party during WWII was deplorable! Just another example of “shut up and sing” talent doesn’t always translate to wisdom. You have a right to your opinion and we to the right to ridicule. Thanks for being Sulu.

  3. “Give me your uninspired, your poor,
    Your illegal masses yearning to breed freely,
    The reeking offspring of your Islamic whores.
    Send too, the homos, gender-crossed, to me:
    I lift my leg upon the golden door.

    P.S. – Just don’t send me any more damn Deplorables.”

    (with apologies to Emma Lazarus)


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