Set Phasers to FAIL – IOTW Report

Set Phasers to FAIL

In case you haven’t heard, George Takei of Star Trek fame is gay and has become a social justice warrior who supports the idea of boycotting businesses for political reasons. That didn’t go over well on Facebook.


Oh My.


21 Comments on Set Phasers to FAIL

  1. Anybody remember what happened at the last boycott?
    CF franchises had to put on extra shifts. Next thing you know, they will be open Sundays.
    Makes you wonder if Sulu isn’t a paid Borg mouthpiece.

  2. And the dweed who bullied the little drive-thru clerk while filming it is still employed and living in a van with his family.

    The militant homos are guilty of the extraordinarily strident intolerance they accuse the anti’s of being.

    Also, I refuse to call it “gay”. Calling a homosexual gay, is like calling a thief an “alternative shopper”. If it was a good thing, they wouldn’t have to call it something else.

  3. According to the local CFA the last boycott permanently boosted their business. The day of Support CFA they went through 5 times the amount of food, had lines out the door, drive up window had a 1/2 mile long line, etc. The next day was almost as busy

    The place is always busy no matter what time of day I go and the employees are always unfailingly courteous.
    Think I’ll head that way today or Thursday just because I like to vote with my wallet too.

  4. Did John Wayne know that George Takei was a fag when he starred with him in The Green Berets with him in the 60’s? How about the cast of Star Trek? Of course no one knew or very few knew that Gomer Pyle was a homosexual either. Same thing goes for Raymond Burr. And when was the last time any movie channel played a Rock Hudson and Doris Day movie? They were easier to spot once upon a time when they were out and out poofters like Liberace or Jack Cassidy, Sean Cassidy’s dad.

  5. “To edit, or not to edit: that is the question:
    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous typos,
    Or to take arms against a sea of errors,
    And by not commenting, end them.”

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