Settled Science – Shaquille O’Neal is a Moron – IOTW Report

Settled Science – Shaquille O’Neal is a Moron


Shaquille O’Neal thinks the Earth is flat.

The iconic basketballer, who has flown around the world multiple times, made the incredible and incorrect claim on an episode of ‘The Big Podcast with Shaq.’

The Hall of Famer was discussing the theory last month after Cleveland Cavaliers guard Kyrie Irving made a similar claim during an interview prior to the NBA’s All-Star Weekend.

Shaq charged to the defense of Irving, saying: ‘It’s true. The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat.’

‘I drive from Florida to California all the time, and it’s flat to me.

‘I do not go up and down at a 360-degree angle, and all that stuff about gravity, have you looked outside Atlanta lately and seen all these buildings?

‘You mean to tell me that China is under us? China is under us? It’s not. The world is flat.’



34 Comments on Settled Science – Shaquille O’Neal is a Moron

  1. I’m sure Shaq is simply confusing the curvature of space noticeable in the vicinity of a gravitational field such as Earth’s with curvature of the Earth itself. It’s an easy mistake to make, much easier than saying aloud “Shaq’s an idiot” with your tongue in your cheek.

  2. “Did he “graduate” from school with only a grade 3 education?”

    Was curious about that myself since most NBA players hold college degrees. According to Wikipedia, he left LSU early to pursue his career in bakkabaw, but continued his education. Must have opted out of science and geography.

  3. I think Shaq did graduate from LSU w. education degree. Couldn’t have been geography, you should learn about Earth-sun relations and seasonality and all that in the first week–but some college athletes have been known to miss class sometimes.

  4. Shaq is a likeable guy.
    He also is a mouthbreathing moron who couldn’t make a freethrow despite his ability to touch the rim from the free throw line.
    Give him a cookie and tell him to ignore big ideas.

  5. ^I just googled that and holy sh-t, you’re right. He’s a muslim. o-o
    I thought that the whole ‘the earth is flat’ thing was tongue and cheek humor, but he seems sincere in his stupidity.

  6. @ Nate, The only free throw shooter I have ever seen on TV who was worse than Shaq, was in the White House.
    White boys practice much more cause they know the black boys are gonna foul them.

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