‘Several of us are afraid to disagree with other students’ – IOTW Report

‘Several of us are afraid to disagree with other students’

Missouri Tigers

An innocent man lost his job. Racial tensions are at an all time high. Faculty members refuse to acknowledge students’ First Amendment rights. Campus authorities are policing speech.

This is my reality as a student at the University of Missouri.

I believe in liberty for all people, but the current climate on campus runs counter to that. Some friends tell me they are afraid to voice their opinions lest they come under fire from the administration or peers – or the police. more here

10 Comments on ‘Several of us are afraid to disagree with other students’

  1. Poor guy…You had no idea that Mizzou was a Hysterically Black College when you applied, did you? I’m sure you went to high school with underachieving, entitled black kids and their coddling faculty patrons. You didn’t see the warning signs then? Well, now you know. Transfer. ASAP.

  2. In the world of leftist and Communist despotism, the ends justify any means. When they desire power, they play the “free speech” and “rights” cards. When they have power, they take those things away immediately, because they know how dangerous they were in THEIR hands.

  3. The latest update from the University of Zimbabwe satellite facilities located at Columbia Missouri: The African psuedo-students have succeeded in taking over the university lock, stock and barrel and are mandating vast changes in staff, curriculum and decision making authority. They are forcing the huge majority of white folks to cower and cringe in their places like scared lemmings. Victory is assured!

  4. A real governor would shut down the college and let the militant “students” stay and play at being relevant. Cordon off the entire college with the National Guard and allow no one in, especially the press; say it is for their protection because the militants are violent. When they want to come out, tell them they have to clean up their mess and they have to stay until they do. When they come out after the clean up, expel every one of them.

  5. Any adult that allows their 18-19-20 year old son or daughter to be subject to the dangerous/violent environment that exists on that dumping ground is an asshole. A loving, concerned, normal parent would order their child home immediately and reneg on any student loans and tuition debt due to the hazardous environment they created and risk of injury or death.

    There should also be a class action lawsuit against the state and “school” for damages and injury to the normal students academic careers. Leave the shithole occupied by the illiterate SJWs.

  6. “The education that dominates our society is the one that preaches its destruction. … the present day education carries the revolution beneath its heart. When it gives birth, the child it has nourished with its blood will kill its own mother.”

    If we continue to allow this, it will metastasize.

    It may already be too late.

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