SF Prog Sheriff Intentionally Sought Murderer To Protect Him From Deportation – IOTW Report

SF Prog Sheriff Intentionally Sought Murderer To Protect Him From Deportation

SF sheriff mirkarimi

LastRefuge: ”San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi has deflected blame in the release of a Mexican national now facing murder charges in the Pier 14 slaying by demanding to know why federal authorities returned him to San Francisco to face a 20-year-old marijuana charge in the first place.

The answer, it turns out, is that the Sheriff’s Department asked federal officials to do so”

11 Comments on SF Prog Sheriff Intentionally Sought Murderer To Protect Him From Deportation

  1. It’s all rainbows and ice cream for Hispanics, gays, revolutionary special interest groups, and junkies in the People’s Republic of San Franpancake.

    For normal, law-abiding citizens, not so much.

    Watch the first couple Dirty Harry movies and the discussions Eastwood’s character has with city pols. Still rings true today.

  2. I’m not one to make a point of comparing pay checks, but this civil servant made $298,551 in direct pay and benefits in 2013. That is pretty good pay for undermining the rule of law.

  3. …by demanding to know why federal authorities returned him to San Francisco to face a 20-year-old marijuana charge in the first place.

    Because he broke the fucking law, stupid!

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