Shaken Not Stirred – IOTW Report

Shaken Not Stirred

There have been 25 007 movies spanning more than 60 years. That’s a lot of film and a lot of film scores. Could someone compile themes from all those movies down to a single CD run time? Consider the movie posters a perk. Here

8 Comments on Shaken Not Stirred

  1. Many of the closing tracks were very good as well.
    Funny, Celine Dion sang the closing track “If You Asked Me To” on the theatrical release of “License to Kill” yet on the DVD & Blu-Ray it’s sung by someone else.
    Licensing was likely involved?

  2. I always had a soft spot for “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” because the Cougar Diana Rigg drove was just like mine except for color. Hers was red, mine was green.


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