Shaping Up To Be A Real Humdinger – IOTW Report

Shaping Up To Be A Real Humdinger

The next big primary will be in Wisconsin on April 5th and the latest polling indicates that Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump are running neck and neck, (Cruz 36%, Trump 35% and for some unfathomable reason John Kasich 19%).


Unlike what is being reported by some sources, Wisconsin IS NOT a winner take all state. It’s sort of a hybrid with 24 delegates awarded proportional by congressional district, are 15 at large and 3 more assigned by the RNC.

This distinction is important as the state is seriously split along rural v. suburban and North and West v. South and East lines.


Who comes away with the most delegates depends on the answer to these questions.

Who will pick up the most congressional districts and will that be enough votes to win the at large delegates, or could a candidate pick up more proportional delegates but still lose the popular vote?

Will Democrats cross over in the open primary system or stay put and throw their support behind their own lousy socialist candidates?

Who in their right mind is going to waste their vote on John Kasich?

16 Comments on Shaping Up To Be A Real Humdinger

  1. When I was 12 my dad got transferred from SoCal to Oconomowoc Wisconsin. We spent two years there before returning to California. To say those people are F’d up is an understatement. Very liberal. Remember Father Gadaphi? ( probably miss spelled)

  2. Cruz is toast. His hypocrisy has come back to bite his ass big time. His political career is history. All this evangelical, holier the thou horseshit just landed on him like the Sweet Meteor of Death.

    There are so many delicious aspects to this but the Bright Lights on Broadway level of hypocrisy that FINALLY has to make it apparent to all but the worst Cruz sycophants just what a total sham this asshole has been proven to be.

  3. Plain Jane
    March 25, 2016 at 1:47 am

    that’s supposed to be “thinK” not thin

    No correction needed if you read your post with a Ricky Ricardo accent. Which, of course, I do from time to time.

    Doesn’t everybody?

  4. There is a statewide radio talk show host who is quite verbally anti Trump.. He is no Limbaugh (and never will be) but he has a following. The important thing to remember is to stop Hillary.
    We have the most lawless administration in history now. It can not continue. In my heart I believe the FBI will prevail against Clinton.
    Obama’s rein will end in shame.

  5. Trump’s not advertising on regular TV in the metro area yet. Kasich has ads making him out to be the hard-core conservative “led the push to stop Obamacare’, etc. His ad makes him look like a different candidate than he is when he talks. Then there’s Bernie’s ads, oh he’s such a savior of the country.

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