Sharia Toronto: Cabbies turning away passengers with seeing-eye dogs – IOTW Report

Sharia Toronto: Cabbies turning away passengers with seeing-eye dogs

Kaye Leslie service dog

JihadWatch: This article doesn’t mention the most likely reason why this is happening, and that is probably because the Toronto Metro News knows that printing the truth would be “Islamophobic”: most cab drivers are Muslim, and Islam hates dogs: “Once Gabriel promised the Prophet (that he would visit him, but Gabriel did not come) and later on he said, ‘We, angels, do not enter a house which contains a picture or a dog.’” — Sahih Bukhari 4.54.50

“Abdullah (b. Umar) (Allah be pleased with them) reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered the killing of dogs and we would send (men) in Medina and its corners and we did not spare any dog that we did not kill, so much so that we killed the dog that accompanied the wet she-camel belonging to the people of the desert.” — Sahih Muslim 3811

“Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What about them, i. e. about other dogs? and then granted concession (to keep) the dog for hunting and the dog for (the security) of the herd, and said: When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times, and rub it with earth the eighth time.” — Sahih Muslim 551

“Cabs turning away guide dogs a rampant problem in Toronto: Advocate,” by Gilbert Ngabo, Toronto Metro News, October 19, 2015 (thanks to Eli):

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16 Comments on Sharia Toronto: Cabbies turning away passengers with seeing-eye dogs

  1. Muslims hate dogs because dogs can sense pure evil and warn their masters of it’s presence. It’s only natural that the angel who came to the prophet of islam would want to avoid dogs at all cost.

  2. Regressives love Muslims. Muslims hate dogs. Ergo we must assume that Regressives hate dogs.

    Now on to this passage – “When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times…”. What does the Quran say about what to do with their hand after using it to wipe their ass after taking a dump? Wash it 50 times?

  3. No wonder most Muzzles live in abject poverty–their religion has so many restrictions that it interferes with their ability to make a living. Cabbies can’t pick up passengers with guide dogs, truck drivers cannot deliver beer……who’d want to hire these high-maintenance divas?

  4. Ummmm. .. .Doesn’t Canada have a council that prosecutes discrimination and “hate crimes”? And these muzzies aren’t on the chopping block for this discrimination against the handicapped? My, my, rampant bias and hypocrisy at high levels of gooberment. Who’d a thunk it? (end /sarc)

  5. Im from Georgia and here, anyone who doesn’t like sitting on the porch wih their dog drinking iced tea and eating a BBQ sammich is going to hell no matter what their religion is.

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