Canadian influencer says we should print more money to end inflation. This person votes.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 23, 2024
26 Comments on Sharing the World With Someone This Stupid is Depressing
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While you’re at it, get rid of all the cops to reduce crime…
The ‘educational’ system must be very proud of themselves.
For her sake, I hope she get’s a strong-willed husband, like quick. One who keeps her seen and not heard.
Fuck off and take your royal we with you.
how embarrassing to be that ignorant… please volunteer to for Canada’s euthanasia program…
Fu*k her………..
Ignorant slut.
These are the voters who need to be decently fed, and decently shot.
Just start printing billion dollar bills, it worked out great for Zimbabwe.
Does she work in government?
When we start over never go off the gold standard.
Thanks for nothing Dick Nixon.
Sadly, this attitude is also present among politicians. Older readers here may recall price controls on gasoline; gas prices were capped, and voila – gasoline started disappearing.
In the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, the Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B crash lands on earth, and the Golgafrinchans start using leaves as money. Everyone was now rich, except that eventually it took two forests worth of leaves to buy a bag of peanuts.
The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B was actually part of a ruse where useless members of the Golgafrinchan society were sent off into space to crash land somewhere else and get rid of them. I would argue that maybe we should do the same thing with social media influencers and our modern politicians.
Well there’s a face that needs to be slapped.
Sorry to say it, but I think the Muslims got it right about women. 95% are too goddamn shallow and stupid to have any say in anything that is important. I know so many women this dumb I can’t count them all.
If we made everything free, nobody would ever be without. And there would be no more crime. And then maybe the unicorns might come back. Just don’t let it.
I saw a video of some dumbass American blond saying the exact same thing. Can’t remember where I saw it tho.
Better idea, why doesn’t the government just let us print our own money whenever we run low? Save a shitton of time.
How about everyone simply take some plastic and write some big number on it to represent their wealth? Trust everyone to be humble enough to not write too big of a number to be fair to everyone else making up some big number and before you know it inflation is solved, homelessness is solved, no more poor people, and no super rich greedy people anymore because they didn’t write too big of a number.
I can’t think of a single thing that could go wrong.
She looks and sounds like the epitome of a really dumb blonde. She may be good looking, but she obviously is as dumb as a box of rocks.
Reminds me of my dim-bulb daughter.
i will give her 1 point for trying. much too young to solve the worlds problems of wealth transfer. the important takeaway is dollars are not tangible wealth. gold, silver, food, water, wood, land, guns and ammo are all tangible wealth. long ago i decided to reduce risk and invest in tangibles. that decision has served me well. it is much more difficult for the top 1% to take your wealth when you are invested in tangibles. food, shelter and water is all that is needed to survive.
Who exactly is she influencing?
Your education system at work ladies and gentlemen.
Wish she’d switch her brain power to pattern baldness even though it’s too late for me.
She sat on my face last night, it smelled like…..Victory!
It’s just more zeroes and zeroes aren’t worth anything.
What am I missing here? Fukcing bullshite dollars are made from the ether… Are we on our way to a global meltdown? Fiat dollars are a fukcing construct! I might be missing something but she seems to be on it! Educate me about what I am missing
Someone up there in the Not-so-Great White North needs to puck her in the face for saying such nincompoopery.
They tried that in Weimar Germany in the early 1920’s and you’d need a wheelbarrow full of marks to buy a loaf of bread.
Wouldn’t you like to own a 4000 dollar suit? ……