Sharpiegate: Fake News Finally Gets Its ‘Scandal’ – IOTW Report

Sharpiegate: Fake News Finally Gets Its ‘Scandal’


As Hurricane Dorian continues to wreak havoc across the eastern seaboard, liberal cable anchors are fixated on perhaps the most frivolous piece of the news cycle: President Trump’s poorly-doctored hurricane map. Between 5:00 am and 5:00 pm Eastern time on Wednesday, CNN and MSNBC gave this non-news item a whopping 145 minutes (just under two and a half hours). More

The situation is so important, Jim Acosta took time out of his busy schedule of self-promotion to comment on the controversy. Here

CNN felt scandal important enough to run a Chyron charging “As People Die, President Defends Presenting Doctored Map. Here


This is the stupidest manufactured scandal ever and the Enemedia is trying desperately to avoid THIS TWEET—>

 Case CLOSED. Our president was correct.

14 Comments on Sharpiegate: Fake News Finally Gets Its ‘Scandal’

  1. I have not researched the timeline, however the lib rebuttal to this (and Eric Trumps’s map tweet) is that the forecast danger to Alabama was several days old and outdated by the time Trump whipped out his Sharpie.

  2. And they wonder why their ratings are in the tank.

    Meanwhile they also spent 145 minutes trying to convince everyone Biden’s gaffes, inability to articulate what state he is in or decade major events occurred is totally normal and nothing to think twice about.

  3. The media moguls collectively make up the upper leadership of the Peoples Democrat Socialist Party of Americanistan, and therefore are virulently anti America and will do anything in their power to belittle and undermine the country no matter how small or trivial!!

  4. “…they also spent 145 minutes trying to convince everyone Biden’s gaffes, inability to articulate what state he is in or decade major events occurred is totally normal…”

    IOW, The eye of the hurricane is headed north, lyin’ Trump, and the red-eye with the Hurry-cane is not headed south, lyin’ eyes.

  5. *Enemedia*
    This is my first time seeing this reference. I’m interpreting it includes both enema and media. If this is the case, I ADORE it. hahahahaha Thanks for this.


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