She has it all figured it out this time! Hillary has more excuses for why she lost – IOTW Report

She has it all figured it out this time! Hillary has more excuses for why she lost

I hope she has started a scrapbook.


Hillary launches into epic laundry list of excuses for her disastrous 2016

Hillary lost for one reason, and one reason alone: Most people in most states didn’t want her to be President.  Democrats like to point to the meaningless popular vote, but the bottom line is Hillary didn’t take enough states to claim the brass ring.  We’ve gone over the reasons why this happened dozens of times, so we won’t rehash them here.  Just know that the short answer is this: people didn’t want her in office.

That seems obvious to anyone who was paying attention in 2015 and 2016, but don’t try convincing Hillary.  She’s got a laundry list of reasons that caused the implosion of her planned ascension.

Here she is, now safely “out of the woods,” blaming pretty much everyone and everything for her loss.




22 Comments on She has it all figured it out this time! Hillary has more excuses for why she lost

  1. Here’s a few more excuses:

    The dog ate my election.
    I left the election in the back pocket of my jeans and Mom washed them.
    Oh, I thought it was the 2020 election!
    I put the election in my purse but someone must have stole it on the bus.
    I loaned the election to a friend but she didn’t bring it back in time.
    I wasn’t sure what they meant when they said it was my election to lose… so I lost it.

  2. The woman is checked-out, cuckoo, bonkers, whack-a-doodle, delusional, out of touch with reality, ’round the bend, out to lunch, wheels have fallen off, flipped out, freaked out, bonkers, and cracked. In a word: crazy.

    Have you thanked God today that she wasn’t elected? I have.

  3. I wuz full of gas! I got a flat chest! I didn’t have change for tuna boat! I lost my Mao Tunic at the cleaners! I locked my oxygen bottle in the limo! An old enemy came in from out of town! Someone stole my ambulance! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Republicans! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!

  4. Every day I thank God that 51% could see past the lies, the psych cons, the lying media, the Soros coordinated propaganda machinery, and the general frailty of human nature, and said No to HRC and all she represented.

    Thank you, God. May we be worthy of having been spared, and may we succeed at doing good for our world.

  5. Just the lies about her health while traveling with a medical staff in a van converted into a mobile medical center which she needed when she had a full on seizure and lost her shoe on 9/11. Then coming up with nomcontagious pneumonia. Completely verifying the woman lies about everything. She can’t be honest about anything no matter how ridiculous her lies are.

  6. After all Shrillary was Jezebel (have you ever met a woman named Jezebel) to Slick Willie’s Ahab. And Ahab was a weenie while Jezebel henpecked poor Ahab to death. Where’s Elijah when you need him? In order to confront the modern day prophets of Baal, i.e. the democrap party. Maybe Trump is Elijah, who knows.

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