Sheila Jackson Lee demands there be an “internal” DHS task force to investigate child migrant deaths (There already is) – IOTW Report

Sheila Jackson Lee demands there be an “internal” DHS task force to investigate child migrant deaths (There already is)


Daily Caller: Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee demanded there be an “internal” DHS task force to investigate child migrant deaths, but then was informed that such an entity already exists.

“I believe there should be an internal task force set up dealing with children, dealing with children’s death,” Jackson Lee said Wednesday during a House Homeland Security hearing. She was speaking to Kevin McAleenan, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). “My question to you is: Will you set up an internal in-house task force to deal with … these deaths, to find what solutions should be put in place?”

The acting DHS secretary then informed Jackson Lee that the task force she was describing already exists within the department.

“We already have internal task forces working these issues,” McAleenan responded. In response, Jackson Lee asked for the names of the individuals involved because Americans are “outraged.”  more

23 Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee demands there be an “internal” DHS task force to investigate child migrant deaths (There already is)

  1. Her next brilliant idea will be for buildings set up in cities and rural townships staffed with men and women containing equipment designed specifically for fighting fires. The woman is a genius.

  2. Know what?
    My GAF just gave out.

    So some invaders died?
    Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

    Be like the Russians complaining about a flu amongst the German Army after Barbarossa.

    Dumb – REALLY dumb.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …seems like she COULD ask for sone investigations of the slaugtered children of Angel Moms, pretty sure THAT’S something that DOES need done, but ISN’T…

  4. Dianny
    MAY 23, 2019 AT 1:01 PM
    “That’s it. Can we please stop sending staggeringly stupid people to Congress?”

    …only if we can have that Civil War II, and THIS time, END the Democrats…where there are Democrats, there also lies stupid..

  5. Education is a waste time for some people, AOC is the Prime example. She can attend class day and night for 10 years. Would not have any effect on her blockhead!

  6. Aw, c’mon … she is the perfect representative of her district.
    THAT’S the point of a Republic, isn’t it?

    The stupidity is in the aggregate of the voters – stupid voters, stupid reps.
    Nothing really wrong with that, but it does seem to have metastasized – and that is the danger.

    When we abandoned education (handing it over to union maggots, other associated socialists, and the ghetto-curriculae of the Colleges and Universities) we fulfilled Lenin’s dream (well, Hitler’s too, if you include the Hitlerjugend along with the Young Pioneers).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Instead of prefacing her name with the description “Democrat Texas Rep.”, she should only be referred to by her earned title “Twice Lifetime Banned Former Airline Passenger”.


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