Sheila Jackson Lee Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer – IOTW Report

Sheila Jackson Lee Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the 74-year-old longtime Texas Democrat announced Sunday night.

The big picture: Jackson Lee announced in a statement posted to X that she’s undergoing treatment for a disease “that impacts tens of thousands of Americans every year.” More


51 Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer

  1. I hate cancer after losing my wife to leukemia and don’t wish it on anyone even Shelia Jackson Lee. I agree with SNS that God would heal her for her sake and remove her from office. I currently have a friend whom I have known for almost 50 years who has terminal cancer, and we don’t how much longer that he will live. I am praying for his wife and his 5 children and especially his youngest daughter who is in her early 20’s. Cancer is personal to me and like I said I hate cancer and what it does to people.

  2. SNS – thanks for your comment. I don’t wish cancer on anyone, even Fauci. What I do pray is that God deal with him, which is as awful as it can get.

    Hebrews 10:30-31:
    For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

  3. And I pray also that God will help me not to gloat when Fauci, and SJL and even joey pass away as much as I may want to. I take no satisfaction in anyone dying even the bad guys, they brought their own misery upon themselves. We all die, I just pray that they will reconcile themselves to God and repent before they die.

  4. No, I won’t wish cancer on anybody, either. Not even SJL.

    But cancer-like pain on the other hand… OK, no, not that either. But in moments of weakness it does have a certain appeal for the Faucis and Bidens and Merchans of the world.

  5. @geoff — Yessir. I don’t wish for them to die, but I do want their circumstances to change enough that they no longer influence my (and your) world, and if the Lord is merciful, we don’t have to listen to them any more.

  6. I don’t know but that Fauci seems like one of those for whom the Lord has given them over to their own ways. I’m pretty shocked that his cohort, Collins, seems just as culpable. Collins is a professing Christian who has presented his testimony publicly. I can’t understand that one.

  7. Sad thing is that her district will replace her with someone just as bad, maybe even worse. Good thing is that when she leaves Congress, the average IQ will increase. Now, if the good Lord would do something about Marxine Waters…

  8. Wait… I thought Joe Biden was supposed to cure cancer.

    Seriously, like everyone here has said, I don’t wish this terrible disease on anyone. I wish for her to go away, but not like this. Someone once said if you can’t pray for a specific person, then just pray for everyone, so that is what I will do.

  9. I just want these evil people to pay for the damage they have dealt to the citizens of this once great country.
    If this keeps her from doing more damage so be it.

  10. AbigailAdams
    MONDAY, 3 JUNE 2024, 11:25 AT 11:25 AM
    “SNS – thanks for your comment. I don’t wish cancer on anyone, even Fauci. What I do pray is that God deal with him, which is as awful as it can get.”

    …he murdered my mother with his cancerous concoction.

    Maybe God can forgive that.

    I never will.

  11. Pancreatic is a really bad cancer. They typically don’t catch it until it’s in an advanced state. It’s a real killer and works it’s evil relatively quick.

    I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

  12. @Abigail Adams, re: “I don’t know but that Fauci seems like one of those for whom the Lord has given them over to their own ways. I’m pretty shocked that his cohort, Collins, seems just as culpable. Collins is a professing Christian who has presented his testimony publicly. I can’t understand that one.”

    Agreed. I was familiar w/Collins, his scientific work and his faith, years before covid and gave him much benefit of the doubt. I still choose to think he’s a brilliant scientist and a nitwit in the real world… a true believer in both God and the ‘system’ who in his isolated little world thought he was doing right, because it would hurt my soul to think otherwise. BTW: He took the shot and has turbo cancer now. So, he may be/become as angry w/Fauci as the rest of us, if he has learned to be cynical at all.

  13. Last week, I was returning from Moab, Utah and as I passed through Fort Sumner, New Mexico, I decided to stop and see the grave site of Billy the Kid. It was pretty cool. Oh, and I like turtles.

  14. Amen SNS. Not to put to fine a point on it but for 34 years I was trained and did train others to kill our enemies.

    Now I just pray for them and forgive them their trespasses. Abigail is right. The judgement of the Lord will be upon this woman not my judgement.

    Seems like it may already be, that is one of the worst ways to go…

  15. perhaps this is the matter used to get her attention. Lee has been a reprobate for decades, subversively calling for violence, promoting hatred for insufficient reasons, lying where the truth would be easier and upholding lies when the truth is self evident. no amount of reasoning or logic has ever reached her. she has been adamant in applying her twisted decadence to whatever situation arose. this could very well be the cause to remove her.

  16. Little Morphin’ Annie — From what I’ve read — and the reason I’m so surprised about Collins — is that Collins also lied and covered up for Fauci and himself on the gain-of-function story, as well as that the virus was not a lab leak, but occurred in nature. It’s bad enough that Collins lied to those expert virologists who strongly questioned that conclusion, but that he lied on something of so much consequence to humanity and to God.

  17. @ Abigail Adams:

    Yup, I agree w/you on this as well. I think I am as disappointed in myself for being taken in some years ago by the well packaged story of Collins, the scientist who cracked the DNA code while reconciling his sense of faith and reason, as I am disappointed in him now.

    His stupid and flippant songs about the pandemic during lockdown mocked the physical, emotional, and financial suffering of others who were experiencing the real effects of covid while he only felt the boredom of being stuck in his comfy suburban DC home.
    His non-apology following the death and devastation caused by policies he set or endorsed was more hubris than humility.
    So, yes, I am profoundly unimpressed with Collins. But, I tend to put him in the ‘good Germans’ category: not worth my full rage and judgment. If I still ascribe good intentions to him, I do know where they can lead. My vengeful focus remains on Fauci who has an evil track record, reveled in his covid celebrity, and has no remorse (and probably no jab or turbo cancer).

    I think this is a good write up on Collins:

  18. Christians are commanded, inspired by God’s love to pray for our enemies. Absolutely, a perfect strategy by God to keep us obedient and trusting in God to do what He considers is best and just.

    We were, unrepentant, destructive tools like Jackson-Lee.
    If not for faith in the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf, Christians would still be Godless heathenistic slaves to Satan’s malevolent evil will.

    We have no goodness to judge others within us. God alone is good and righteousness, so he alone sets the standards for justice (right and wrong). That’s why vengeance/recompense is up to God. Which in Jackson- Lee’s case may have already been determined and applied…a deadly cancer.

    Let’s be real. People who don’t have a relationship with God through Christ are not compelled to comply with God standards of judgment. They rely on their own understanding of right and wrong, despising their enemies and acting on methods to destroy their enemies…at any opportunity.

    What Christ did for mankind, yes, trumps the world’s (the unrepentant’s) hunger for revenge.
    Jackson-Lee, a despicable, hate-filled person has to make a choice to know God through Christ or continue being a nihilistic barbaric moron. Christians are praying for her to know God before she takes her last breath. We know without His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness, she’ll receive the Godless eternity she really deserves. What anyone who chooses to be an enmity against God deserves. An eternity in Hell.

  19. Hey moron you forgot, God forgives all including your fallen one. Next moron, all are God’s children, who the FUCK are you & who died & left your sorry excuse for a fellow human being in charge? Fuck off.

  20. Thanks, Anonymous for being a perfect example of someone who doesn’t know God and totally clueless why. It confirms what was stated.
    What I stated can be found in scripture of The Holy Bible. I’m not the source.
    You’ve proven with those contemptible, profanity-laced statements you need a true relationship with Christ. Praying for you.

  21. I wouldn’t wish it on her, either – and I DIDN’T!
    And neither did any of you.

    She’s a worthless POS and fits in well with her partei and fellow traveling RINOs.
    My guess is that she really won’t be missed (few of us will).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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