Sheriff Clarke: MSM’s ‘Intoxicating Message’ of Free Stuff Keeps Blacks on ‘Liberal Plantation’ – IOTW Report

Sheriff Clarke: MSM’s ‘Intoxicating Message’ of Free Stuff Keeps Blacks on ‘Liberal Plantation’


And the hits keep on coming, folks. If there’d been a mic, it would’ve been dropped.

sheriff anthony clarke

Milwauke County, WI Sheriff David Clarke agrees with Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson; blacks are being manipulated by the liberal mainstream media and its favored politicians into what to think and say instead of thinking for themselves.

It’s a notion Clarke applauded during his appearance on Hannity on Fox News Wednesday evening:

Bravo, Dr. Carson. Of course he’s right. The mainstream media in America has abandoned their constitutional duty, really, to be a government watchdog and to be neutral in all of these things. And instead, they have become the propaganda wing, a lapdog, the public information office, for the Democrat Party; their liberal agenda and their leftist ideology.


10 Comments on Sheriff Clarke: MSM’s ‘Intoxicating Message’ of Free Stuff Keeps Blacks on ‘Liberal Plantation’

  1. The shooter in Oregon self-described himself as”mixed race”. We have heard from his white Dad down in California, but although we have heard the shooter shared an apartment with his mother, she has not been identified in any way.

    I wonder if she has anything to do with BLM??

  2. An effective ploy for two thousand years:

    First it was “bread and circuses.”
    Much later it was “A chicken in every pot.”
    These days, it’s obamacare.

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

    P.S. Free shit isn’t free!

  3. That is one hot man. First he’s hot because of his politics, hot because his politics show he’s an Alpha male, hot, because his political views are correct and agree with mine. Plus, he’s quite nice to look at also – especially when he is photographed on a horse.

  4. Examples like this helps us all to collectively drive a stake through the heart of the evil specter of racism. This man is the sort of hero young kids should be admiring.

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